How many people have died from it? Swine flu

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44 people have died from the Swine Flu. 42 in Mexico and 2 in the US. There have been no deaths outside those 2 countries. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many people have died from it? Swine flu
Almost 6,500 confirmed cases of the new H1N1 flu have been reported from 33 countries, and 65 people have died, the W.H.O. said. About 4,300 confirmed and probable cases, with 3 deaths, were reported in the United States. A total of 159 peo…
As of today there are 12 people who died of H1N1/swine flu in the U.S. It is not a death sentence if one gets the flu. A lot people who got sick from it are doing fine, with medicine that they were given for it. Those who died had a very we…
149, all in Mexico , 20 confirmed as swine flu and rest suspected.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How many people have died from swine flu since the epidemic started? Could you please cite your source?
Q: How many people have died from swine flu since the epidemic started? Could you please cite your source?
A: Worldwide there have been over 4500 confirmed deaths.
how many people have died from swine flu COMPARED to the number of deaths from regular flu?
Q: since the first death from swine flu, how many have died, and how many have died from regular swine flu in the SAME TIME period.
A: There are about 250 reported death worldwide. It may sound like not a big deal compared to the more than 30,000 who died from the seasonal flu but, it’s just the “first wave.” Once the next flu season comes, and we still have no vaccine for it, then 30,000 would sound not that many compared to the H1N1 “second wave.” The problem with this, compared to the regular seasonal flu fatalities, not only will the elderlies, young children, low immuned people are going to get killed by the flu, but also healthy adults as it has done so far. So I think it’s better to be concern about it and take precaution about it – than be nonchalant about it and risked fatalities.
how many people in UK have died from swine flu WITHOUT underlying health problems?
Q: after hearing today that the 6 year old girl died from something other than the flu i was wondering how many people exactly have died from swine flu who have been healthy in all other waysthanks
A: Last I heard 2.BUTOne they didn’t know the details and it sounded as if the 2nd had possibly got some previous asthma problem.
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