How long will a sprained ankle hurt

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “How long will a sprained ankle hurt”,you can compare them.

It depends on how severe your sprain is and what system you use to rehabilitate your ankle. Get well soon! ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How long will a sprained ankle hurt
How long is a sprained ankle supposed to hurt for??
If it is sprained and you are using it a lot, you may not be letting it heal, properly. Additionally, as someone else said, you do need to be sure you didn’t break it. If none of those help, try taking either Shark’s Cartilage or glucosamin…
How long should a severe ankle sprain hurt?
Be concerned. 4 days and the pain should be subsiding. Back to the ER. Could have a ‘hairline fracture’. Requires: Soft cast for immobility, and pain killers. Good Luck.
Is my ankle Sprained or just hurt?
Yeah, it sounds as if you just twisted it. If there is no bruising or swelling then there is nothing you should be quite worried about. Just rest on it for a bit. And if it continues for a day or two then maybe you should contact your docto…

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For how long will a sprained ankle hurt?
Q: I was playing soccer 6 months ago in September, and I hurt my ankle in the beginning of a game but I was able to run until the end of the game. As soon as I took the shields off (the supporting ankle parts) I couldn’t walk at all. I was taken to the hospital for an x ray but the ankle wasn’t broken, just ‘moderately’ sprained.Now, lately I’ve been paying more attention to how it still hurts after 6 months, and I’m a little worried; what if there’s something else to it? Is it normal or should I check with the doctor?
A: just tape it up and leave the tape on 24/7 it wont hurt as long as you dont keep moving it around, it will heal faster too
How long is a sprained ankle supposed to hurt for?
Q: In the last couple of months I’ve managed to sprain both of my ankles at different times. I never saw a doctor about them and both of them got taped up. One has been hurting since about late February. The other has been hurting for about 4 weeks.
A: If it is sprained and you are using it a lot, you may not be letting it heal, properly. Additionally, as someone else said, you do need to be sure you didn’t break it. If none of those help, try taking either Shark’s Cartilage or glucosamine to help strengthen the ligaments and tendons in the ankles, to help heal, and to avoid further problems.
How long should a severe ankle sprain hurt?
Q: My daughter who is 10 apparently has a severe sprained ankle. She has brusing times 4 days now, still in severe pain, still can not move her foot without severe pain and even has pain when she sits and does not move it. They did an x-ray the day she sprained it and saw no noticeable breaks. Should I be concerned or is this normal?
A: Be concerned. 4 days and the pain should be subsiding. Back to the ER. Could have a ‘hairline fracture’. Requires: Soft cast for immobility, and pain killers. Good Luck.
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