How long is walking pneumonia contagious

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Someone with walking pneumonia can spread infection for as long as 20 days. Have a great day & ask away! ChaCha-on! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How long is walking pneumonia contagious
Is walking pneumonia contagious?
Walking pneumonia, also known as atypical pneumonia, is a lung infection caused by the Mycoplasma pneumoniae organism. It is relatively minor and has symptoms similar to a bad cold or flu. The incubation period for walking pneumonia is 1 to…
Can walking pneumonia make somebody with Crohns disease die??
Apparently not:… The main concern with Crohns is:・ 1. Patients often don’t eat properly as it can cause pain, so watch out for malnourishment, make sure … ・ 2. Crohns can affect other organs in t…
Is Microplasma Pneumonia aka Walking Pneumonia contagious??
Mycoplasma Pneumonia and yes it is contagious and what are you thinking sharing a cigarette or a “glass” which I strongly hope is not alcohol. It affects the respiratory system so smoking a cigarette is about the dumbest thing she…

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Is pneumonia always contagious?
Q: Does anyone know if pneumonia is always contagious? How long does it take to come down with pneumonia after being exposed? The reason I am asking is because I got sick a little over a week ago. The Doc said I have walking pneumonia. I have been on an antibiotic for 5 days now. My baby is now 4 months old but was hospitalized at 2 months with RSV. I am terrified that he is going to catch pnemonia. So far everyone in the house has been healthy.
A: No it is not always contagious. There many types of pneumonia…viral, bacterial, mold, chemical, lipid pneumonia.Pneumonia is an inflammation that causes lung obstruction where the exchange of blood gases occurs rather then the bronchial branches. If due to bacteria or virus, then you both would have to be susceptible to the same organism to be at risk.Someone with AIDS or immune deficiency could have pneumonia caused by a bacteria that normally you are exposed to every day but in immune suppressed, they have no resistance to it…. e.g. Mycoplasma pneumonia. If you have an intact immune system, then you would not be at risk.Lipid pneumonia happens when someone takes mineral oil as a laxative and then vomits allowing the oil to enter the lungs. Since the oil prevents oxygen exchange with the blood that is also termed a pneumonia.Chemical burns such as to Chlorine bleach, sulfur compounds, Hydrochloric, Sulfuric acids can damage the lungs and also cause a pneumonia. None of these are contagious. I mention this one to you because use of household cleaners like bleach or Iron Out to remove rust stains in the bathroom can cause this if poor ventilation while using can set you up for this type of damage. It would also be termed “walking pneumonia”Walking pneumonia is just a term that means you have some consolidation in your lungs without naming the cause.It is termed “walking” because the extent of the pneumonia is not heavily debilitating. You can still function versus being on your back with supplemental oxygen. It could be viral (RSV for example) or bacteria. If he gave you an antibiotic and the cause is viral , then it will not help it improve any faster than healing on your own. Antibiotics only kill bacteria …they have no effect on virus.Unless your physician has cultured a sputum sample then it will be difficult for anyone to say for sure what you have or if it is contagious. I doubt that your baby is at risk but use good hygiene when holding him. (don’t cough in his face, wash your hands often especially after coughing)
How long am I contagious?
Q: I went to the doc yesterday for breathing broblems. doc said due to prolonged asthma that wasn’t properly treated (my fault) I have a severe lung infection. Basically like walking pneumonia. Due to a mix up with the ins company I havnt been able to get my antibiotic and other meds yet. 3 in all. When I do get them and start taking the antibiotic how long till I’m not contagious anymore. Or am I even contagious at all?
A: I do not think that you are contagious, but always ask your doctor, not the internet, your doctor will know for sure.Best of Luck!Any questions about this, E-Mail Me at: [email protected]
how do you catch walking pneumonia?
Q: my friend was diagnossed with walking pneumonia tonight and i was with her everyday. is ist contagious? what are my chances of catching it? how long tilll i know im not going to get it?
A: Walking pneumonia is a minor lung infection and is treated with antibiotics. It developed its name, because it is possible to do things normally despite what is going on inside your body. Traditional pneumonia usually requires hospitalization. Yes, it’s contagious! It spreads from a patient to healthy person if a healthy person stays in contact with the patient for a long time. The infection is airborne! Droplets of fluid from nose and mouth are the main medium in which it can spread from person to person. For example, through coughing, sneezing, talking. One of my close friends had it and I took her to the doctor/pharmacy and was in close contact with her for a few hours. She coughed the entire time. I started feeling sick within a few days and was down for a week. If you start to feel ill, go to the doctor right away!!!Symptoms:# Lethargy (sudden decline in energy level)# Cold (the severity of cold increases with time as the disease reaches patient’s chest, this differentiates walking pneumonia from common cold)# Sudden chills# Patient may experience mild to severe headache accompanied by fever and also throat problems complaints (such as rashes in throat)# Annoying runny nose problem# Pain in abdominal area, ears, eye, muscles and chest# Patient may experience sore throat because of ongoing cough condition# Sometimes patient may experience shallow and rapid breathing due to fatigue
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