How long does it take to heal after your wisdom teeth are removed

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “How long does it take to heal after your wisdom teeth are removed”,you can compare them.

As with any type of surgery, everyone heals differently, but it usually takes between 10 days to 2 weeks for wisdom teeth removal. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How long does it take to heal after your wisdom teeth are removed
How long did you take to heal after you got your wisdom teeth rem…?
I had mine tooken out, it healed in like 6 weeks. It hurts the worst the first 3 days.. then it gets much better! You will do fine!
How long did it take for you to heal after getting your wisdom te…?
it took me 3 days for the bleeding to stop, and maybe 3 weeks or more for the hole to close. Try and keep all food and drink out of the hole so it wont get stuck in after it closes. I drank soup and juice until it stopped bleeding.Try and k…
How long does it take to heal after wisdom teeth removal?
I had mine out 2 years ago, and it was at least 3 or 4 weeks before I could eat normally, and a couple of months before I could open my mouth right up. Mine were badly impacted and removed in hospital under general anesthetic.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How long does it take for your mouth to heal after having wisdom teeth removed?
A: About 2 to three weeks if you follow Dr.s orders…It took me about that long, I took Tylenol a couple of days after and found it more effective in relieving the pain than vicodin. Just use good dental hygiene.
how long does it take for your mouth to fully heal after wisdom teeth removal?
Q: I had all 4 wisdom teeth removed on tuesday and still have trouble eating foods that aren’t soft. also i am afraid of getting food in the holes. am i still at risk of a dry socket? how long will the stitches last in my mouth? when will my mouth finally feel normal?
A: I had two wisdom teeth taken out and it seemed like what took forever to heal. The best thing to eat is soft foods because you really do not want to disturb the area. If food gets in the wholes, you can gargle warm water very easy to get it out. Or you brush real softly around it to get it out. If that doesn’t work, the food will come out on its own sooner or later. The stitches come out when ever they are ready and can be from a week to two weeks. The best way to avoid a dry socket, is to not smoke, or use a straw or do any sort of sucking. It sucks because it does take some time to heal and feel normal again. But its worth it because once they are gone, they are gone for good. Good Luck!
How long did you take to heal after you got your wisdom teeth removed?
Q: My 2 bottom wisdom teeth were removed on Friday 9/29 and today is Wednesday 10/11 and I’m going crazy, I wnet on Monday to my oral surgeon and she says I’m healing really slow but no dry sockets or infection but I still feel pain and it’s so uncomftorable to eat, everything get stuck back there and after I rinse with warm salt water it hurts even worse. When will this end!!!!!!!
A: I had mine tooken out, it healed in like 6 weeks. It hurts the worst the first 3 days.. then it gets much better! You will do fine!
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