How long does it take to die when you slit your throat

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Extreme loss of blood causing the heart to dramatically slow eventually depriving the brain of oxygen. Thanks. Reply FB A. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How long does it take to die when you slit your throat
How long does it take to die when you slit your throat?
Not fast enough.
What is the cause of death when you slit your throat?
There are three possible causes of death when the throat is cut. The most likely is exsanguination; if the external jugular vein, and/or internal jugular vein, and/or carotid artery are cut the person will bleed to death. It is also possibl…
How long does it take for you to die after your throat has been s…?
this depends on a few factors. how far across the throat, and how deep. When you pierce the throat you are piercing the arteries. they shoot out very bright red blood in spurts. This bright red blood is oxygenated so you die much quicker du…

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Q: I was watching a Showtime series and a serial killer hung victims from their ankles and slit their throats. It only took them 30 seconds or less to die. Is this accurate or was the show just trying to minimize the impact?Only scientific answers welcome, I only want to know if the show was being accurate.
A: The time to become unconscious will depend on how fast the blood is lost. With a slit throat you can cut one or both of the carotid arteries. Say you cut both arteries then for a short time the heart will pump the blood out in large volume spurts and the person will lapse into unconsciousness very fast. The brain will die from lack of oxygen in about 3 minutes.
How long does it take for you to die after your throat has been slit?
Q: Does anyone happen to know this random answer?(Details: Cut from the front, the person is a female, about 4’11” and no one is around to help her)NOTE* I’m not a psycho killer, I’m a writer, heh hehWell it’s done with a big pocket knife and very quickly, so probably a long cut but not very deep.I’l probably say about twenty seconds. It doesn’t have to be very realistic….Thanks =]
A: this depends on a few far across the throat, and how deep.When you pierce the throat you are piercing the arteries.they shoot out very bright red blood in spurts.This bright red blood is oxygenated so you die much quicker due to lack of oxygen as well as blood loss.The amount is astounding.At best she may hang on for 5 minutes. But with no pressure or medical attention. a minute to 90 seconds most likely.
when you get your throat slits and blood comes out, how long will it take before you die from it?
Q: 30 seconds????? dang mann. that’s soo long
A: You will usually loose consciousness after about 15 to 20 seconds, then bleed out shortly after. That is only if the corroded artery is severed. If it was not, chances are you may not even die.
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