How long does it take dissolveable stitches to dissolve

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Typically dissolving stitches take at minimum one week for the suture to dissolve, i.e. be resorbed by the body. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How long does it take dissolveable stitches to dissolve
How long does it take for dissolveable stitches to dissolve??
They are usually dissolve in around 14 days. can you see them or are you just concerned you have not seen them drop out? Alot of time patients are not aware that the stitches have come out, as they often drop out when on the toilet or on…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How long does it take for dissolveable stitches to dissolve?
Q: I had a baby 4 weeks ago now, and was stitched up using dissolveable stitches. I assumed they would have been gone by now, but they are not. Does anybody know how long these types of stitches last down there and if they can cause infection if they do not dissolve?I can actually see the stitches there, as there are a couple that are about a cm long hanging out. Sometimes if I’m sitting down on the ground with my feet underneath me and move around, I will catch a stitch and pull it.I just looked there for the first time yesterday and noticed them. I would have assumed they’d be gone by now.
A: They are usually dissolve in around 14 days. can you see them or are you just concerned you have not seen them drop out? Alot of time patients are not aware that the stitches have come out, as they often drop out when on the toilet or onto a pad. Signs of infection in the perineum, is increasing pain, pus discharge, red and swollen. Speak to you Dr if you are still concerned.
How long do dissolveable staples take to dissolve?
Q: I had surgery on May 3rd. The doctor used dissolveable staples inside instead of stitches and then used dissoleable stitches on the outside. The outside is healing up nicely, but 6 weeks later the staples are still there and have came to the surface and are starting to poke through. The doctor wants me to wait 2 more weeks to see if they dissolve by then. They hurt me really bad. Does anyone know about these kind of staples. I have never heard of such a thing.
A: sorry, I couldn’t find anything on dissolveable staples.I have no idea what your doctor is talking about. If they hurt that bad, you should go on crutches.
How long untill stiches dissolve?
Q: I had a baby on the 1st of december and I tore so they stiched me up with dissolveable stitches and I’m just wondering how much longer until they dissolve?
A: Mine took about 2 weeks, but everyone’s different
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