How long does it last and what is the cure for it

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The treatment of Whooping Cough includes drinking plenty of fluids, including water, juices, soups, and eat fruits to More? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How long does it last and what is the cure for it
How long does a cure produced by hypnosis actually last??
It depends on how much subconscious change was brought about in the first place. If a change has been made to a flawed fundamental belief system, then the cure will be permanent and last for a life-time. The best therapy is where an underly…
How long does a bottle last? natural cures for high blood pressur…?
The higher recommended dosage of High-Rite is usually taken at the beginning of treatment (in which case a bottle will last about 10 days).
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Controlled breathing is the best way to cure hiccups. Inhale deeply and slowly, taking about 15 seconds. Exhale slowly and deeply taking about 15 seconds. Repeat that until hiccups are gone. It’s tough to hiccup while you are inhaling or ex…

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How long does tonsillitus last and what can i do to cure it?
Q: I’m 16 and i’ve got tonsillitus for the first time and its abserloute agony !!! I can hardly talk my throat is so swollen and i can hardly eat its so painful. So pissed off as well missed out on loads this weekend 🙁 lol. How long does this usually last ? And what can i do to make it feel better ?? Thanks 🙂
A: It lasts about 10 days and you have to get antibiotics off the doctor.These will make you feel better after about 3 days. Drink lots of water and rest.
Bulldog, he’s starting to get mainge(mispelled), what will cure it, how long does this last?
Q: I’m bathing him every 2 days nowcheapest cure possible, (just got laid off)Thanks
A: Sarcoptic mange, Demodectic mange, or Cheyletiella mange? They are all caused by mites and you can’t bathe them away. They are usually treated with dip or Ivomec but should be done under supervision of a veterinarian.
Thrush-what causes it and what is the cure for it? How long does it last?
Q: I noticed this morning that our baby who just turned 9 months old has white patches in her mouth. When I got home…I nursed her and after she fell asleep, I was able to get a good look. Then I looked up thrush online. It looks like what she has. What is the treatment most doctors use if it is thrush? I will call tomorrow morning. She is also cutting 2 teeth. Also, what causes it? I breastfed our son, and he never had thrush.
A: It could be 2 things. Thrush, or, since she is teething, her mouth could be “aggravated”. With Thrush, the patches cannot be scratched off. Also, your breasts will be tender to the touch or slightly painful when she is nursing. Thrush is a yeast infection that is passed from her to you; from you to her. There are some OTC remedies that may help IF that is what she has. Genetian Violet. It will turn/stain everything you have purple..breast, mouth, teeth, everything, but it is effective. Grapefruit Seed Extract..this is wonderful for treating and killing yeast. You need very little of this mixed with water, formula, BM, etc for it to work. Limit sugar intake for yourself b/c yeast thrives on sugar. You can also take acidopholus for yourself, crush some up and rub on the inside of your babies mouth. HEre is a great link for thrush. You will need to do a vinegar rinse on your breasts after each nursing session as well as you need to wash your bras/shirts in hot water everyday to kill it. Your dr will probably prescribe Diflucan for yourself and Nystatin for your baby (which makes zero sense b/c nystatin has sugar in it..LOL)When my ds was teething, ONCE I opened his mouth and there was white patches all on the inside of his mouth. I thought, OH NO…thrush!!! BUT I could scratch the white patches off easily. I knew that his mouth was just irritated from the 4 teeth AND the increase of salive in his mouth. It did go away after a couple of days.Also thrush comes from when you had yeast infections either during pregnancy or afterwards…some woman are just prone to them. If you have cracked nipples, for some reason tend to have an increase occurance in thrush.
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