How long does is take a cold sore to heal

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Provided you do not get a secondary bacterial infection, the duration of your cold sore could be three to four weeks. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How long does is take a cold sore to heal
How Long Does It Take for a Cold Sore to Heal??
Cold sores (also called fever blisters, oral herpes or herpes labialis) are extremely common in the U.S., according to the American Social Health Association. Cold sores are caused by the herpes…
How long does it take for a cold sore to heal? How long are they …?
cold sores will heal depending on several things, one being your body’s immune system and how revved up it is. Another being what you might use to speed the process. Over the counter there are several products available, my personal favorit…
How long does a cold sore usually take to heal?
i have found that Abreva is too expensive and doesn’t work that fast. Believe it or not but the regular yellow top Carmex works great. Apply as often as possible. Do NOT mess with the cold sore. Also there is this stuff at GNC or a vitamin …

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how long does a cold sore usually take to heal?
Q: i was sick and i got a cold sore over night and i have never gotten one before. i was wandering if anyone knew how long a cold sore healed and how to get it off. please help this has a matter of doing with my social life. it is literally life or death.!
A: i have found that Abreva is too expensive and doesn’t work that fast. Believe it or not but the regular yellow top Carmex works great. Apply as often as possible. Do NOT mess with the cold sore. Also there is this stuff at GNC or a vitamin store called Lysine. That stuff speeds up the process of healing and also can be taken to prevent a break out. When you feel a tingle in the area (cold sores appear almost always in the same spot) take Lysine and you won’t break out at all!!!
How long does it take for a cold sore to heal? How long are they contagious?
Q: Are there any over the counter medicines that can help a cold sore heal faster?
A: cold sores will heal depending on several things, one being your body’s immune system and how revved up it is. Another being what you might use to speed the process. Over the counter there are several products available, my personal favorite is Abreva, pricey but effective. By perscription, there is Valtrex, or zovirax. Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus which lives dormant in your nervous system for life. Various things can trigger an outbreak in various people, from too much sun to particular foods, most learn fairly quickly what they need to avoid to minimize outbreaks.You begin to shed the virus approximately one week before the sore/s show up, and you continue to shed the virus for three weeks after the sore has completely healed before it goes dormant until the next outbreak. So you can never really know when you are or are not contagious, so the recommendation is to not participate in oral sex at all, if you know you get cold sores, because while you are shedding the virus you can transmit it to your partner’s genitalia during oral sex and then it becomes genital herpes, something your partner is not likely to thank you for.
how long does it take for a cold sore to heal after the scabbing?
Q: after the cold sore starts to scab, how long does it take to fully heal and for the scabs to come off.
A: If you leave the scab alone, (no picking @ it!) it will heal in a week, or sooner if the scab doesn’t crack from smiling in your sleep. There is this stuff @ the drug store or Wal-mart called “Abreva” that speeds the healing. Works best @ the first signs of a fever blister.Good Luck. Also, taking Lysine will keep you from a outbreak .
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