How long can water last in your ear

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “How long can water last in your ear”,you can compare them.

Water normally flows into and out of your ears without causing any problems. You can nearly always shower, bathe, swim..MORE? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How long can water last in your ear
How long can red-ear sliders be out of water??
bout a day or 2 my friends turtle got out of his pond and they didnt find it until 1 and a half days and it was doing pretty good
How Long Can Red Ear Turtles Stay of of Water??
Turtles that are kept as pets dont go into hibernation if they are housed indoors. The hibernation note only applies to WILD turtles. P.S. In order for your turtles to propser make sure you have – at LEAST a 40 gallon LONG tank – a heat lam…
How long have you had water in your ear?
The most I’ve had some water in my ear is about 48 hours. The morning I woke up there was a little wet patch on my pillow. It’s so annoying because it rattles about and make me feel really dizzy and gives me ear ache!

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

how long does an ear infection last in adults?
Q: on Friday I was diagnosed with an ear infection on both ears. the doctor gave me amoxicillin 875mg and is Monday and my ears are still aching. Should I go back to the doctor or give it a few more days? I don’t have a fever. I feel like my left ear is full of water, is this normal?
A: It takes a while. Depending on how severe the infection is and how well the antiobiotic is working. You can get fluid buildup in your ear which can last after the infection. Best thing to do is finish all antibiotic. Then if a couple days after that you still have pain or if ear still feels clogged, go back to Doctor.
How long does Swimmer’s Ear last?
Q: I went to the doctor Thursday, December 4 for an unbearable pain in my left ear. He diagnosed me with Swimmer’s Ear, something I’ve never had before. Right before then I had some type of cold and had a sore throat. He prescribed me Omnicef to treat the bacterial infection and also advised me to take vinegar/water treatments several times a day for the next few days. So, how much longer should this last? For those of you that have had it before, about how long did it last for you? Thanks for any answers in advance!*Courtney*
A: Usually cured within 7-10 days of starting treatment…dont think that fully answers your q but hope it helps 🙂
How long does it take for your ears to recover from listening to loud music?
Q: I am a dorm matron and had to go to a dance with the students last night. The music was very loud and when it was over, my left ear had a ring to it and sounded like I was talking and hearing in a barrel of water. How long does it take before it is going to be normal and what would have possibly have happened to it?
A: Temporary threshold shift occurs when loud sounds (such as from a rock concert) cause a temporary ringing and hearing loss. Sounds may also seem muffled. These effects usually don’t last more than a few hours, although they may sometimes last several days or weeks. Repeated exposure to sounds that cause temporary threshold shifts can gradually lead to permanent threshold shifts, commonly referred to as noise-induced hearing loss.
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