How long can a headache last

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Some headaches/migraines can last as long as a couple days. If headaches persist you should definitely go see a doc. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How long can a headache last
How long does a headache last?
It can vary depending on a lot of factors. If your are dehydrated that can cause a head-ache to continue. Also migraines often can last a few days. Stress, hormonal fluctuations, or even physical stress or damage to the top three vertebrae …
What causes headaches?
Illness Headaches often are a symptom of other illnesses. Viral infections, strep throat, allergies, sinus infection, and urinary tract infections can be accompanied by headaches. Fever may also be associated with headaches. Skipping meals …
What Is a Headache?
Although it may feel like it, a headache is not a pain in your brain. Your brain tells you when other parts of your body hurt, but it can’t actually feel pain. Most headaches happen outside your skull, in the nerves, blood vessels, and musc…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How long does a headache last?
Q: I had a terrible headache yesterday so i went to sleep and when i woke up today i still had a headache. I’ve never had a headache that has lasted this long. Is this normal? Anyone else ever experienced a two-day headache?
A: It can vary depending on a lot of factors. If your are dehydrated that can cause a head-ache to continue. Also migraines often can last a few days. Stress, hormonal fluctuations, or even physical stress or damage to the top three vertebrae of your neck can cause head aches or migraines.Try taking something that helps migraines and head aches, like Advil liqui-gels or any other ibuprofen type medication. Also if I get a migraine that will last a few days (I can tell whether they’ll still be there in the morning before going to sleep) I have found that taking a cold cloth and putting it on my forehead while I sleep actually helps reduce the time between the beginning and the end of my migraines.
How long does the headache last with a spinal?
Q: I had a c-section on may 31 of this year. They gave me a spinal and I have had the worse headache since then. I didnt notice it as much when I was on the stronger pain killers, but now that I am off of them, it’s horrible. How much longer will this last?
A: It is drug side see what suits you.If you are in cold country use all warm things.Pl try cold water bath and observe if in hot country, if pain increases use warm.If you have cough/cold body hot water bath will help.Massage and exercise in front of morning sun is good thing, pl try.Pl try simple acupressure given below for immediate relief.If it fails you will have to go for Acupuncture.There is hardly any medicine for H/A OR MIGRAINE. Not only these but for RA, OA, Back ache, Ear ache/ringing, Stomach ache and almost all painful diseases. Hence they become chronic.Acidity, WORRY, sadness, excessive wind, cold , heat, sour food and sinusitis, constipation, intestinal inflammation; drug side effects, stress, bad smell, TV & COMPUTER SOMETIMES, Blockage in the flow of Vital Energy, BODY CONSTITUTION etc are their causes.None of them can be treated with medicine.Our 100% success in treating migraine &H/A confirms it.Acupuncture is the best treatment.I can treat it with naturopathy and YOG, but how can you manage pl see.Pain killers don’t treat the pain but we loose the sense of pain for some time; in that duration our body itself treats sometime and credit goes to meds.The useless drugs have tremendous power of side effects like liver/kidney failures, ulcer, inflammation of intestines and lot more.Avoid late sleeping if possible; worry, tension, spicy foods, sour fruits, stale bakery foods, SMOKING and alcohole.Sweet foods, COCOANUT WATER,sweet fruits like dates, milk, rice, SPROUTS, SALADS and good sleep will help if cough is not there. If cough use steamed pulses, salads, sprouts, honey and dates, warm water.But you try one herbal remedy- two drops of drumstick leaves’ juice in opposite nostril if one side pains and both nostrils if full H/A will give you rescue. Betel leaf helps but it is very strong.If it is acute pl search a painful point (with round tipped pen/jimmy) 3-6 mm behind your thumb nail and press it, H/A will disappear within 30 seconds.For forehead/eye pain the points are in front of nails on the finger tips or 3-7 mm below.It may disappear naturally too.Source(s):SHREE SWASTHYAYOG TREATMENT, TRAINING & RESEARCH INSTITUTER.H. 19, Jhulelal Society, Sector 2/E, Airoli, Navi Mumbai, INDIA.
How long can a spinal headache last, after having a blood patch already?
Q: I had a spinal on accident was suppose to be a epidural and i got a headache the next day after delivering my son. I had a blood patch that day the headache started but since have had dull headaches off and on the last four days. Just wondering how long this will last, no pain meds are helping.
A: It took my doctor 7 days to figure out that I had a “spinal headache” after having back surgery. Once he figured out what it was, he told me I needed to lay flat 24/7 until it was gone. Laying flat helped a TON! He said it would allow the spinal fluid to fill up where it had none, which was causing the headaches. It was a total pain, but after a few days of getting up only to use the potty, even eating laying down, it was gone. (It didn’t hurt while laying down, but after I was sitting or standing up for only about a minute it would get really bad again). I hope this helps
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