How long are you out for a torn acl

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It depends on how it’s torn (partially or totally), but it can take up to 5 months including surgery & rehab. ChaCha again soon! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How long are you out for a torn acl
How long did it take you to recover from a torn acl??
Andrea, I am afraid I would expect to be out of sports 16 weeks. at 8 weeks after surgery typically your muscles have gotten much bigger but the ACL graft is at its weakest and most vulnerable time. So it is very easy to re-injure and have …
How long does a Torn acl take to heal?
it depends on how bad the injury is. i have 2 friends who have torn their acls recently. one of them was out for 10 months. the other one tore hers and was out for 2 weeks but then just tore it again and should be able to play in about 4. s…
How Long Does A Partially Torn ACL Last?
Ligament damage is permanent, even if it’s just partially torn. The options available include surgery, but that’s only really if you are in pain or a professional sports person. Best thing to do is go to the gym and make sure your quad and …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How long can a torn ACL be left unintended before you can’t repair it?
Q: I tore my ACL around May, it is July now. My family is having some trouble with insurance and health care.. delaying me in having surgery with the torn acl.. I was wondering is there a point in time that a torn acl can’t be repaired anymore?? thanks :/
A: Nobody can detrmine this over the internet but you need to go an see an orthopedic surgeon. You may have caused more damage if you have been walking on it but they can probably stil repair it. If its causing problems right now they will probably go with surgery.Good Luck.
torn acl how long can you wait to fix it before its to late?
Q: i have a torn acl and have had the injury for 10 months does anyone know if it can still be fixed or am i stuck this way for the rest of my life
A: It is too late.
How long till i play football again from torn ACL surgery?
Q: I had acl reconstruction, using the hamstring graft, the first week of June and i was wondering how long it would be until i get on the field again?
A: 6-9 months from your surgery.
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