How is swine flu caught

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “How is swine flu caught”,you can compare them.

Transmission of swine flu among humans is thought to occur in the same way as seasonal flu, by touching something w/ flu MORE? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How is swine flu caught
How is the swine flu caught?
By farting on you pillow its the same as pink eye but also if you touch your mouth you get it
No. The virus is respiratory, and not transmitted by food. Cooking pork to an internal temperature of 71 F (160 C) kills viruses and bacteria.
Can people catch Swine Flu from eating pork?
There is currently no evidence to suggest that swine flu can be transmitted to humans from eating pork or pork products that have been thoroughly cooked.   

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Have any of you pregnant women caught swine flu?
Q: Have any of you pregnant women caught swine flu, is it a big deal, I am terrified of catching it. I don’t want to take the vaccine as it has not been tested enough. I know there are some scary stories about pregnant women dying and going into early labour but I am healthy woman with no underlying conditions. This is my 6th pregnancy and I am 16weeks. Thanks for any help and advice in advance.
A: 6th baby! Happy day, proud mama!I don’t think the swine flu is something to be too concerned about. As long as you’re healthy, and keep your hygiene up, you should be fine. Most of the people who become really ill or die are really unhealthy, really young, or really old. If you are taking care of yourself you should be ok! Just try to avoid people who have it, if possible. Wash your hands after leaving the house, wash your hands after using the bathroom, etc.
Anyone else find it amusing that the guy from the Swine Flu ad has actually caught Swine Flu?
Q: Anyone else chuckling at the story that the guy who was in the Swine Flu ad has actually gone and caught it? Obviously i hope he is ok etc but fuck me it is funny!
A: Seriously? What are the odds?
What would happen with the human being if the swine flu caught him?
Q: i didnt meant that i get isolated or “just” die…i meant what would happen to the body! -.-what its feel like…( dont answer “ive never had this illness yet =P)
A: Yeah Johnny… I don’t get you.Anyways, I did some research and apparently, you get the same symptoms of the normal flu…”the symptoms are a bad cough, fever above 102˚” Btw, my MSN isn’t working -_- the last message I saw from you was “Have fun” so if you wrote more… yeah, sorry xD
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