How is ringworm contagious

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Ringworm is very contagious, and can be spread through hats, combs, brushes, towels, clothing, sports equipment, and dogs & cats. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How is ringworm contagious
Is ringworm contagious?
yes it is contagious i had it once and passed it on to my best friend hope i helped
How long is ringworm contagious?
If you’re wondering how long ringworm is contagious, chances are you have had a run in with this fungal infection. Ringworm is contagious by physical contact or contact with items the patient has touched, like sharing clothes or grooming …
When is ringworm contagious?
As long as the rash or lesions are present. Not contagious after treatment. After exposure, it can take four days to two weeks to develop symptoms.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How long is ringworm contagious for agter a person has it?
Q: I got a small case of ringworm. My parents are wanting me to be very clean and i Always am. But i can’t wait for it to go away. It doesn’t ich or burn anymore so does that mean its not contagious any more????
A: The ringworm will remain contagious for as long as the fungi (dermatophytes) that caused it are present in the affected area. It doesn’t sound like you’re using any antifungal medication for your infection. In which case, the fungi might still be present in the lesion. To be certain about it, use over-the-counter medication (cream, lotion, or spray) like Tinactin, Monistat, Lotrimin or Lamisil. Ringworm responds well to any of these, and you should be rid of it in 2-4 weeks. Clean and dry the affected area and apply the cream 2x a day. Once you see the ringworm shrinking substantially, then the fungi is being eradicated and there is no more danger of transmitting the infection.Of course, it’s always a good idea, as your parents suggested to maintain hygiene to keep infections at bay. And never ever share personal items like clothes, towels, caps, etc. That’s a sure way of catching a bug if there’s ever one. Please visit my source below for more info.
Is ringworm still contagious after treatment has started?
Q: I noticed the other day that my friend’s daughter has this ringworm-like patch on her arm. So I asked my friend about it and she said that it shouldn’t be contagious anymore because her daughter has been on meds for 3 weeks. Is this true? I watch her 4 days a week while my friend is at work so it’s not like I can just keep her away but I am still woried about my son. Should I be?
A: After 24 hours of beginning treatment the risk of the infection spreading is greatly reduced, One week into treatment the infection becomes non-contagious, and the chances of it spreading are rare.After treatment has started with pets the fungi can be infectious for about 3 weeks.
How long is ringworm contagious for a person?
Q: My 2 cats have tested positive and are being treated every week until they test negative. I have tried over the counter ointments, and a prescription cream from my Dr., and it doesn’t seem to be going away, as well as the overall itchy feeling.
A: 48 hours
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