How does a headache start

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “How does a headache start”,you can compare them.

Tension headaches oftn start at the back of your head and spread forward. Migrain headaches can have visual disturbances or nausea [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How does a headache start
There are a number of causes of the common headache. Physical trauma from a motor vehicle accident (whip lash), serious falls, or a sports injury can cause severe tension and spasms in the muscles of the neck and shoulders. Repetitive Strai…
When did My Favorite Headache first start to take shape??
In ’97 I started thinking about working with my friend Ben Mink, to see if we could write some songs together. Our goal was really to see if we could write songs for other people, not so much to do them myself. And when it became clear to m…
When did your headache start?
You should remember the event after which your headaches started. It can be an emotional, mental or physical factor: for example your headaches began after you experienced offense, anger or a head trauma.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What does it mean when you get a headache when you start drinking alcohol?
Q: Maybe it’s because I’m stressed..or drinking too much. One of the two. I know its not a hangover..i’ve had plenty of those. I notice when I start to drink that I get a headache. I appreciate any feedback.
A: alcohol acts just like coffee does on the body… it sucks out the water (thats why drinking alcohol or coffee makes you want to pee a lot, they are diuretics).. you get dehydrated, and it can happen very quickly, especially if your under hydrated to begin with.. this happens to me a lot too… thats actually why people have headaches the morning after too, because they are dehydrated.. the amount of hydration the body has effects everything in it… it can mess with your heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate… its like the first thing i learned in nursing school… next time you are going to drink, drink a sufficient amount of water before hand, and for every beer/glass of wine/etc.. have at least a half glass to a glass of water with it.. you should see the headaches happen less frequently, and less severely, and eventually after you body gets used to it, should not happen at all. hope this helps.
does a brain tumor will start headache, if some1 presses ur head?
Q: If be serious to answer.
A: Almost never. Headache is not a most common symptom of brain tumor and pure headache rarely symptom of brain tumor. If brain tumors start with headache, the yusually pretty quickly cause other symptoms, too. If you hit your head or knock your head your tension type headache can get worse or you can get posttraumatic headache. If you happen to have a brain tumor -maybe your headache could be triggered. Bear in mind , though, that about 50% of people have some kind headache at some point of life but only about one person of 10 000 will get a brain tumor (fortunately). There are 171 answers already in yahoo answers concerning brain tumor and headache, so you could look at them also.
Why does my wife got severe headache when her period start?
A: It’s migraine headache due to change in hormone levels. She could try: Drinking enough water, because drinking little rises the chance of migraine. Try don’t eating things that are known to induce migraine in the time before the period, like: chócolate, cheese, red wine, oranges. Some women get better by taking another birth control pill (if she takes one at all).Acupuncture is said to help in some cases too.If these things don’t help, taking naproxen (Anaprox (R) or Naprogesic (R) ) starting 3-4 days before the expected period until after the start of the period could bring reliefe. It’s like a short-time prophylaxis. Don’t take any medication if your’re (better – your wife) is allergic to meds or has other diseases. Ask a GP or Neurologist before taking meds for migraine prophylaxis.
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