How do you treat anemia

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Medicine Treatment .We found some answers as below for this question “How do you treat anemia”,you can compare them.

Anemia treatments range from antibiotics, immunosupressants, blood transfusions, bone marrow trnasplants or bone marrow stimulants [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you treat anemia
・ 1 Definition Anemia is layman’ s terms is defined as the decrease in the number of red blood cells in… ・ 2 How anemia is diagnosed ? When you visit your physician, and a suspected diagnosis of anemia is made… ・ 3 What is serum ferr…
Many doctors treat anemia with supplements that contain the ferrous form of iron. However, no one here knows your medical history, and there are different types of anemia that require different types of treatment. A doctor must diagnose the…
Anemia is a disease where there are low levels of hemoglobin in the blood, which is vital in distributing oxygen throughout the body. This is caused by many factors such as bleeding, nutritional deficiency, heredity, and exposure to toxic s…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are some ways to treat anemia after giving birth to a baby?
Q: I have heard the iron tablets can deplete a bodies ability to absorb iron over time. So what are some other natural ways to treat/cure anemia (as a result of giving birth to a baby)?Where can I buy liquid chlorophyll? Is it available at Walmart or do I need to visit the health food store? I have one nearby but if it is something I can buy some where else for less I would like to know.
A: The best way to raise iron levels is to drink two tablespoons of liquid chlorophyll a day. You can buy it at any health food store and it doesn’t cost much. I was seeing a midwife and was so anemic she said if I was at the hospital they would of given me a blood transfusion. They gave me a chance to fix it over a week. All I did was drink the chlorophyll and tried to eat more iron in my foods. I got my iron levels up so high so fast they were really impressed. Hope that helps and good luck!
Has anyone tried using Carao to treat anemia?
Q: I found a website touting Carao fruit extract from Costa Rica as a way to successfully treat anemia. I suspect I am anemic, and am going soon to my doctor to find out. In the meantime, though, I’m trying to get some unbiased information on Carao. I’m not worried about wasting my money as it is not very expensive, but I don’t want to cause myself harm. So if anyone has tried Carao, please share your experience!
A: I’ve never tried it, but I just did a little searching and it sounds like it’s a good thing (although I couldn’t find any websites I knew as reputable, so that may not be true necessarily).However, one thing that threw a red flag when I was reading your question (and the reason I looked it up and posted an answer) is that you say “I suspect I am anemic”. I would definitely recommend waiting to see your doctor before you start taking anything for Anemia… after all, if you aren’t deficient, you could overdose on something to help Anemia. Good luck!
What is the best way to treat anemia and polycystic ovarian syndrome?
Q: I have pcos and anemia and have been on birth control for years. I took my doc.’s advice and have lost about 55lbs I totally cut out fast & junk food and my goal is to loose 50 more lbs. Is weight loss a cure for this disease? Are there different types of anemia?
A: I have PCOS too. For the anemia, my doc had me taking prenatal vitamins because there is iron in them. I don’t think there is a cure for PCOS, we’re just stuck with it!! 🙂 Good job on losing the weight. I’ve only lost 15, but am looking to lose about 20 more.
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