How do you stop hicupps

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Medicine Treatment .We found some answers as below for this question “How do you stop hicupps”,you can compare them.

Most cures for hiccups involve increasing carbon dioxide in the blood. Try: Holding your breath, quickly drinking cold water MORE? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you stop hicupps
・ 1 Since air is the culprit then it’s air you need to get rid of and the best way to do this is to breathe… ・ 2 Push as hard as you can until you can’t push any more air out. Remember your stomach should be pushing… ・ 3 While your stom…
Putting an End to Hiccups ・ Drink a tiny bit of water – then stop for a second or two – drink a tiny bit again – then stop repeat … ・ Take a spoonful of sugar! Works for me every time. ・ Hiccups work on inhalation only. I use this method….
My favorite way to stop hiccups is to use reverse psychology. I get really excited by my hiccups.  I pay attention to what my diaphragm feels like and appreciate the uniqueness of the feeling as it spasms.  (A hiccup is a spasm of the diaph…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What causes hicupps, particularly in infants and how can one stop or prevent it?
A: Hiccups in infants are very normal and ok. It is a sign of their little bodies growing and get aquainted with new air, foods and their environment. There is no reason to “get rid of them” they will stop on their own. Don’t give your child medicines to stop something that is absolutely normal and welcomed.
Ways to stop HICUPPS?
Q: They just wont stop but i know why they come but dont know how to stop them!
A: You can either hold your breath for about 10-15 seconds or drink water, milk, etc. Hope I this can help you!
how to stop hicupps?
A: get a glass of water bend over so your head is upside down, and take a drink from the part of the glass that is away from your body, it works everytime i have them.
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