How do you remove a hickey

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The first thing you want to do is apply a cold compress to your hickey. Do not leave the ice on more than 20 minutes at a time. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you remove a hickey
・ 1 Do a cold compress on the hickey. It is better if you apply this as soon as you receive that purple… ・ 2 Use a toothbrush or a comb to break up the blood clot. What you do is you brush the hickey lightly… ・ 3 Make up can also do the…
A hickey is a discoloration of the skin—a bruise, really—caused by prolonged suction of the mouth against the skin. Giving a hickey is pretty easy, but removing one is not, and having one in plain view can be embarrassing, so think twice be…
Ice, ice, ice! The first thing you want to do is apply a cold compress to your love bite. A hickey is simply a bruise and like any other bruise, ice will help to reduce the swelling and control the color. Do not keep the ice or cold compres…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How do I can I remove my hickey by saturday?
Q: I have a hickey on my left boob and I need it gone by saturday becuz Im goin 2 the lake with my older sister.. How can I remove it?
A: Massage the area directly with your fingers to get the blood circulating again. Iceing it down will help as well. If it doesn’t go away then use concealer.
How do you remove a hickey or bruise or from the neck area?
Q: How do you remove a hickey or bruise or from the neck area?
A: use the back of a metal spoon. It’ll take time for it to heal, so if you go some where in public then put some coverup on it i guess, or wear a turtle neck or scarf. Hope I helped! -♥Linda♥
How do I remove hickey marks?
Q: My 5 year old daugter sucked so hard on her cup that she has a really bad hickey mark. It happened a couple hours ago and still hasn’t faded. What can I do?
A: Try the spoon trick!!! Use the back of a metal spoon, rub it firmly across the hickey but be careful not to let the edge of the spoon scrape the skin, just use the rounded back of the spoon. A hickey is a bruise and rubbing it with the spoon helps push the blood away from the surface of the skin. It really does help it to fade away faster although it doesn’t take the mark away completely. Only trouble is, I’m not sure how well a 5 year old will tolerate the spoon trick! Good luck!
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