How do you pick your nose

Health related question in topics Health Conversational Recreation .We found some answers as below for this question “How do you pick your nose”,you can compare them.

Make a pointy finger, stick it in your nose. Once you find what you’re looking for, remove, wipe on tissue and wash your hands. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you pick your nose
・ 1 Step one pointer finger. Make a fist i.e. curl up all of your fingers as tight as they will go. Now… ・ 2 Next, choose your nostril. Take a quick inhale through the nose. Which nostril has the most boogers… ・ 3 The pick. Now that you…
you insert your finger in your nose then roll it around a bit and pull your finger out. tada a booger =) then insert the boogery finer into your mouth and say “yummmmmmm!” or side boogery hand on to something (ie.your hair, someon…
if this is a serious question, the answer is, don’t. you can cause bleeding and in severe cases damage the nasal septum(the thing that divides your nose in half) and end up with a hole inside your nose. also if you damage the lining of the …

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A: 1) “With the finger you can get to places you just can’t reach with a handkerchief, keeping your nose far cleaner.”2) “Eating the dry remains of what you pull out is a great way of strengthening the body’s immune system. The nose is a filter in which a great deal of bacteria is collected, and when this mixture arrives in the intestines it works just like a medicine.”
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