How do you know when you have it

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Conversational .We found some answers as below for this question “How do you know when you have it”,you can compare them.

In women, the bacteria initially infect the cervix and the urethra (urine canal). Women who have symptoms might have an MORE? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you know when you have it
Do I have an axe to grind?
I’ve received multiple e-mails and phone calls since Jenks High School released a report on its football program. Here are some of the questions I’ve received, along with my answers: Do you have an axe to grind with Jenks or football coac…
How do you know your pregnate?
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What other information should I know?
Pending revision, the material in this section should be considered in light of more recently available information in the MedWatch notification at the beginning of this monograph. Keep all appointments with your doctor and the laboratory. …

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How do you know when you are no longer contagious with the flu?
Q: first i’m wondering how long for the swine flu then how long for the regular flu. my mom told me that there really isn’t any medicine for it once you get it so usually for the regular flu you’re not contagious when you no longer have a fever, but she’s no doctor lol. if that is true though is it the same for the swine flu?
A: Well your mom is right…and wrong! Right because the H1N1 (swin flu) is not contagious 24 hours after your last fever temperature or for 7 days after you present with symptoms (whichever is longer)ButYou can get medicine for the swin flu – its called Antiviral medication – and they will give it to you if you have low immunity and need some help to fight off the flu
How do you make it so people have to know your last name to add you on myspace?
Q: How do you make your profile so that when people try to add you on myspace, they have to know your last name or email in order to send the request? I’m tired of all these random friend request and cant figure out how to do it. thanks
A: ok lad heres how you do it. go to account settings, then along the line you should see “spam” click on that and then scroll down a little bit. under friend requests there are a few options. two of them will be the following.1: Require last name or email address 2: Require CAPTCHA from users suspected of spamming tick the first box (and the second one if you dont want spammers to add you) and then click save all changes and there you go.hope this helps bud and if it works please give me 10 points! im desperate! haha all the best
How do you know when a guy uses you for sex?
Q: My ex boyfriend and I were together for a month and ended up finishing me saying he wasn’t ready for a serious relationship. A few month later his best friend confessed that he actually finished me because I wouldn’t have sex with him, and that he only started seeing me because he wanted to look good. Ever since, I just have this feeling i’m getting used for sex. Like every guy who talks to me, are not virgins and always ask me if I want to go to their ‘free’ house on a weekend. I’m a virgin, and I want to lose my virginity to the right person. But how am I supposed to know who to lose it to? I can’t even trust guys anymore? Btw i’m 16 just to let you know :)I thought my ex boyfriend was the one I wanted to be with forever, trusted him with everything, and he just abused that.
A: Get to know the person, wait some time. A guy who’s not willing to wait will definitely not be a special one. And you’ll just know when you meet him 🙂
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