How do you know if you have toxic shock syndrome

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TSS starts suddenly with vomiting, high fever, a rapid drop in bp, watery diarrhea, headache, sore throat, muscle aches. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you know if you have toxic shock syndrome
How to Know if You Have Toxic Shock Syndrome
・ 1 Use the lowest absorbency rate tampons appropriate. The higher absorbency tampons, labeled super or… ・ 2 Change tampons regularly during your menstruation cycle. Do not leave any one tampon in for too long… ・ 3 Wash your hands befor…
What You Need to Know About Toxic Shock Syndrome?
Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) is a disease caused by Staphylococcus bacteria with 90% of all cases occurring in menstruating women. While the exact connection between the bacteria and tampons has not been determined most researchers have found…
Does anyone actually know someone who had Toxic Shock Syndrome (T…?
In 1980, I worked in an emergency room and we actually did have a young woman who developed toxic shock due to her tampon use. Since then, I’ve not encountered one single solitary case. At that time, there was a spike in the numbers, which …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

must you have a fever to have toxic shock syndrome?
Q: I have nausea, dizziness, and a rash that looks like sunburn, but no fever. Could this be toxic shock syndrome without fever?
A: It sure can. See your doctor.
will there be desquamation in all patients with toxic shock syndrome?
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A: toxic shock syndrome usually applies to females who forget to remove their tampon when they have their period
Would a doctor be able to tell by blood tests if I had Toxic Shock Syndrome?
Q: What if the doctor is not suspecting Toxic Shock Syndrome? Would he or she still be able to tell by your blood if you have it or not?Thanks in advance.
A: TSS isn’t caused directly by a bacteria- it’s caused by a toxin made by a bacteria. So a test looking for bacteria would turn up negative since so few bacteria are required to make enough toxin to make you sick. It is possible to test for the presence of the toxin, but I don’t know how often that’s actually done b/c they probably know it’s TSS if you have the right clinical presentation (signs and symptoms)
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