How do you get rid of Blisters

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When caring for and treating blisters, you can choose to either let them heal on their own, or drain them yourself. ChaCha on! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you get rid of Blisters
・ 1 Apply rubbing alcohol on cotton ball or clean tissue and clean blister and area surrounding it. ・ 2 Open pre-packaged syringe and gently insert needle sideways into the blister. Make 3 – 4 holes and… ・ 3 Once the you have withdrawn en…
You need to be very careful with blisters- it’s generally not a good idea to burst blisters, but when full of fluid they can be very painful. The best idea is to sterilize a sharp needle in rubbing alcohol, then rub more of the alcohol onto…
Hi Nicola, Lets keep it clean (soap and water) and covered with neosporin and a plaster for at least two weeks or until healed and non-tender. I would leave the blister itself alone unless it breaks. If it does clean hands with soap and wat…

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A: swish milk of magnesia in your mouth 2-3 minutes/ spit out. it is nasty but it works. do this for 1-2 days, 2-4 times a day
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A: Hi there,I am a podiatrist (foot doctor) and it sounds like you are in a lot of pain.Fist off, I recommend next time that you constantly change your socks, and maybe consider getting some new shoes that fit your feet correctly. Remember, that NO shoe should ever give you blisters – and if it does, then it isn’t the shoe for you. A simple rule of thumb to avoid getting shoes that will give you blisters is to put the shoe on, and see if you can fit your index finger in the back of the shoe while your foot is in there, if you can – then that is the shoe for you.Anyway, back to your problem, I recommend that you rest your feet, and only wear flip-flops. Bathing your feet in warm water, and taking pain relief like ibuprofen. Blisters are a hard thing to get rid of, and even though they can be popped and drained, I do not recommend carrying that out as it can lead to infection and cause more pain then what you are experiencing now.*This is only an online diagnosis, I am qualified to carry out this diagnosis, but as always, please see your health care professional or doctor*Kindest regards and all the best,Dr. C
How do you get rid of blisters?
Q: I forgot my clothes and shoes for gym and we were running a mile so i had to run on the track barefoot on some kindof ruberised assphault material. I got a bunch of blisters on my feet…. How do i get rid of them?
A: Bathe in salt water and use Talc after drying that should dry them up.
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