How do you get rid of an ingrown pimple

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Using any normal acne treatment should help. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you get rid of an ingrown pimple
Try covering the pimple with a warm, wet cloth several times a day. I have also heard that Tea tree oil works. Don’t put that stuff near your eyes, mouth, or nostrils though!
If you need to know how to get rid of an ingrown pimple, and are looking for a cure, then read this article. Usually ingrown pimples on areas where you shave are, are not pimples at all, but are really ingrown hairs! Causes Ingrown hairs oc…
How do i get rid of ingrown pimples? I was hoping someone could give me some ideas on what to do. I was hoping maybe someone could give me a few hints as to what I should be looking for and what to avoid.

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A: i usually get those under the skin ones, they suck… don’t use alcohol, your face will only be more oily because the alcohol strips your face of necessary oils, and your skin will produce more oil to make up for the loss. If you take a washcloth and run it under hot water and just hold it on that part of your face, keep doing this for at least 5 minutes, this helps it to come to the surface… don’t pop it!!! That just spreads the bacteria… do however get some pimple cream and just dot it wherever you have the pimple (not over your whole face though) I use the Proactiv sulfer face mask, because it also helps reduce redness.
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