How do you get rid of a sunburn fast

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Unfortunately, there’s no fast-fix sunburn treatment. Once you have sunburn, the damage is done – although it may take 12 to MORE. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you get rid of a sunburn fast
・ 1 Understand what a sunburn is. A sunburn is literally a burn on your skin, which is caused from excessive… ・ 2 Stay out of the sun. The areas around your sunburn may be on the verge of burning, so try to limit… ・ 3 Take a cool shower…
Well, I have this HORRIBLE sunburn because I swam at a swim meet and forgot to put sunscreen on. So I know how you feel when you say you need to get rid of it fast because it hurts so much. I’ve searched the internet and found that most of …
First of all, you should be wearing sun screen every day to prevent future burning and therefore melanoma (a dangerous skin cancer caused by burning of the skin cell’s nuclei). Even if you don’t burn, UV rays from the sun are harmful. You d…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How can i get rid of sunburn fast?
Q: for spring break i went to the beach and layed out in the sun for about 4 hours while i thought i used enough sunscreen. now i have patches of sunburn on my face and my chest. i want to be able to tan again but i dont want to make my sunburn worse. how should i get rid of it fast?
A: Get some vitamin E tablets from the drug store, puncture them and pour the vitamin E goo on your skin. The vitamin E works to reverse some of the damage you have done to your skin. I wouldn’t suggest going out in the sun again – any tanning you do will affect the already damaged skin more than the non-damaged skin making the patchy appearance worse. Try to stay under a sunshade and cover up – your skin will thank you in 10 years.
Is there a way to get rid of sunburn fast?
Q: How do you get rid of sunburn faster? I got sunburn today and I really want to get rid of it. It’s on my face and everything. What can I do to get rid of it fast? I don’t plan on it being gone by tomorrow or anything, but is there anything I can do to make it go away fast?
A: aloe vera. orr go in the shower, and put hot-ish water on the burn for about 5 seconds. its gonna sting but it should be all good afterwards. 🙂
what are easy ways to get rid of sunburn fast?
Q: i have homecoming on saturday and i’m sunburnt on my chest and shoulders. what are easy fast ways to get rid of it?
A: I know that you’ve probably heard the aloe vera thing A LOT…believe me…but it really does help if you keep reapplying it. If you store it in the fridge, it can give you more of a relief when you first put it on.Mix a half-water, half-vinegar solution and apply it to the burn with a spray bottle or soaked cloth. This will sting a little bit at first, but it definitely pulls the burning sensation out of your sunburn.Ice packs (in small amounts of time) and cold cloths or compresses will also help to minimize the length of time that you have redness and should help with the swelling.Take lukewarm (room temperature) BATHS. Taking showers with too high of a water pressure could increase your pain. Taking a too-cold bath won’t help, and will make you freezing. And a too-hot bath runs the risk of burning you even more, or irritating the burn that you already have.Make sure that you drink PLENTY of water, in order to keep your body hydrated so you don’t develop a fever. If you do develop a fever, take an acetaminophen or an ibuprofen to help get rid of the fever and to minimize inflammation and swelling.If your sunburn is really bad and seems to be very painful, you may want to go see your doctor and get a prescriptive treatment.
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