How do you get rid of a fever

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Medicine Treatment .We found some answers as below for this question “How do you get rid of a fever”,you can compare them.

Tylenol is still considered the best thing to get rid of fevers. If your fever is over 104 F, seek emergency care. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you get rid of a fever
・ Know that the standard body temperature for older kids and adults is 37 degree Celsius or 98.6 degree… ・ Start by taking off any excess clothes or blankets. The environment should be comfortably cool. ・ Apply a damp cloth to legs, feet …
・ 1 get two eggs from your refrigerator, and separate yolk, from egg whites in a bowl. scramble them up… ・ 2 soak the washcloth in the egg whites for atleast 5 minutes. ・ 3 wrap the washcloth around your foot, making sure that your whole …
If you are ill, it is unrealistic to expect a fever reducer to make the fever go completely away. The fever is your body’s way of killing off the germs and a lot of doctors don’t recommend even taking any tylenol or ibuprofen – let your bod…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How to get rid of fever blisters on your lip?
Q: I was fine then noticed that the very next day after the Homecoming dance I had literally a clump of fever blisters on my lip. It looks disgusting and hurts so bad. I have missed 2 days of school because of it and just feel like crap. How can I get rid of them?Also, I don’t have a fever so I am not sure as to why I have this dumb thing.
A: You CAN’T get rid of them. It lies dormant on the nerve in your lip and it has flare ups. The one thing that I LOOOOOVE to use and it works SO WELL is Abreva. It’s expensive, but its FDA approved and it works wonders! Just make sure you apply it when you first feel that you’re getting a cold sore.
are there any other ways to get rid of fever without medicine?
Q: I have fever and on top of that I feel very cold. I dont want to take medicine, are there any other ways to get rid of it? please help me out. I hate taking medicines. I took tyenol but its affects last for few hours n then my condition gets horrible again.
A: You can take a cold bath or shower, put ice packs under your arms and on top of your head. This therapy is trivial because it causes you to shiver and create body heat, but when someone is running a big fever the cold water can cool you faster than your body can produce heat. Keep in mind that a high fever is not good and if it stays high you should take medicine. Taking Tylenol every 6 hours, or you can take Ibuprofen between Tylenol doses so you don’t take too much acetaminophen. 4,000mg of Tylenol is the max dose you do not want to exceed in 24 hours for Tylenol and 3,200mg of Ibuprofen is the max in 24 hours.More importantly, the fever may be caused by an infection or illness. If this is not resolved, then you fever may not as well.
how do you get rid of fever blisters on the inside of your mouth?
Q: my friend is just getting over strep throat and now the inside of her mouth is covered in fever blisters. Is there something at home that we can use to help get rid of them?
A: i don’t gargle i put salts on top on those blisters…yes its painful but u’ll heal quickly
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