How do you get rid of a belly button infection

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You should keep it clean with peroxide, and apply neosporin several times a day. Don’t touch it unless you wash your hands first. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you get rid of a belly button infection
How do you get rid of a belly button infection?
I have the same problem sometimes. I use some Q-tips dipped in hydrogen peroxide and clean the inside (there could be something in there that is causing the infection i.e. lint/hair) then grab a rag and pour some of the peroxide into your…
How do i get rid of my belly button infection??
For mine when it got infected I used Bactine. I recommend this because it is very strong and safe for piercings in both the way that it will not kill new skin cells like Rubbing Alcohol will prolonging healing time and does not cut off ai…
How do i get rid of a belly button piercing infection??
I had a belly button infection when I got mine pierced. This is what I did:・ 1. Got a silver ring. A lot of people have touchy skin. ・ 2. I stopped washing it obsessivly. When it comes down to it, the more you play with it, the more you ……

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can i use Bactine to help rid my belly button infection?
Q: I have my belly button pierced and it is infected (red, swollen around the ring, a little painful) i have been cleaning it with hot water and epsom salt. I’ve also heard i can spray Bactine on it to help the infection. Is this true?
A: NO. When I got my belly hole pierced the piercer strictly said NOT to use Bactine. You will risk infection buy using Bactine. Infections often occur while the piercing is very fresh. Microorganisms, such as fungi and bacteria, attempt to invade the body and cause infection. The body reacts and attempts to fight off the infection by surrounding it with white blood cells. Often there is increased swelling and redness and the piercing will be sore to the touch and a thick discharge of grey, brown, or green puss will excrete from the site of the piercing. Compresses can help, if used early on.Instead you need to use saline salt. I recommend checking out this website and buying this product. It is really the best cleanser for new piercings.
how to get rid of belly button infection?
Q: i got it almost 3 months got an infection. i got rid of it by using Polysporin.When it went away, I didnt put anymore polysporin on it.Now a few days later, its back again.Its kinda big and it hurts.How can i get it to go away again?
A: Use Polysporin even after it is gone. It can still be in small particles that can come back. Try using the product on your belly button a week or two after the infection is gone, then see if it is gone for sure.You may want to see a dermatologist if you have not already.Good Luck!
How To Get Rid Of A Belly Button Piercing Infection?!?
Q: Well, ive had a belly button piercing for about 7 months, and it doesnt hurt or anything or when i touch it, but skin around the top of the ring looks a little reddish and kinda looks like a bubble, but its not a bubble.I think it either is or well on the road to an infection.(I clean it twice a day)But does anyone know how to treat the infection or get rid of it???Please and Thank You!!:)
A: that happened to mine, tooyou should try mixing a teaspoon of sea salt with a shot glass full of water and holding that on your belly button for about 20 minutes dailyalso try taking off the ring, cleaning it, and maybe changing it to a different one, that’s what helped mineand make sure you’re using antibacterial soap!if it persists you might want to ask the piercer you went to
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