How do you get mono from kissing

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You get mono from kissing because the disease is spread through direct contact with saliva of an infected person. ChaCha away! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you get mono from kissing
Can i get MONO from kissing?
plain and simple yes. You can also get meningitis from kissing…its probably pretty rare (especially if you’re vaccinated for meningitis) but you can get sick from kissing. You can also pick up stds if she’s given oral sex to other guys. I…
Can You Get Mono From Just a Quick Kiss?
Yes, it is possible to get mono even from just a quick peck on the lips. That’s because the virus is carried in saliva. So it can be spread through any contact with saliva — even from sharing forks, spoons, drinking straws, cups, or lip bal…
Mono actually takes like 4-8 WEEKS after you get it before you start getting symptoms. It could be from suction on your throat (i get it when i sleep with my mouth closed).. It could be a cold… Or it could just be paranoia… You would on…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

I am 13 years old and I think I have mono (kissing disease) can I die from it? What are the treatments?
Q: I ACCIDENTLY drank out of my friend’s water bottle and she has mono and I think I have it so what should I do?
A: No, mono (mononucleosis), while contagious, will not kill you. What it will do, however, is make you feel tired and achy for a while. Some symptoms may include: Fever, sore throat, headaches, and sore muscles. Usually, with mono, all you really need is plenty of rest. If necessary, you may want to take a pain reliever if your muscles are sore, or if you have a fever. Also, mono usually goes away by itself in a few weeks, so it’s not much to stress over. Still, get plenty of rest, and make sure you wash your hands after you cough or sneeze. For additional information, check out this website:
Could I get mono from kissing a guy with a cold or did i just catch his cold?
Q: Theres this guy and i kissed him, but just a little peck. i was sick for like a week then i got the flu. it was yucky did i just catch it from him he had the flu before that too.
A: Hmm, Well that sucks =( But it kinda sounds like you got it from him.. But it depends how long before you kissed him that he had the flu.. if it was a few days, then most likely it was, because the flu is a respiratory infection, so it could pass through saliva. But sometimes, who’s to say really, unfortunately.. in your question and then detailed part it says three different things, mono, cold, flu lol, But all three of those can pass by kissing, cause mono is known as the kissing disease =P So yeah, thats just my opinion, I hope you’re doing better!
If my girlfriend doesnt have mono can i still get it from kissing her?
Q: I want to kiss my new girlfriend but i dont want mono. If she doesnt have mono can i still get it from kissing her?
A: if she doesnt have mono you cant get it. if she HAD mono, thats a different story. it is possible to transfer mono up to several months after diagnosis. however, the chances get less and less as the months go on. but i would like to tell you to go for it. its totally worth it. mono is the best disease ive ever gotten. you get to stay home from school/work, you get to sleep all day and no one says anything, nobody wants to steal your food or drink, you have to ‘take it easy’. after you get over the swelled tonsils and lymph nodes (which went away very quickly for me bcuz the doc gave me some very good medicine) its awesome! AAAND once you get it, you never get it again!
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