How do you get Hyperthyroidism

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Some causes of include:Graves’ Disease,excessive intake of thyroid hormones, and excessive iodine intake.ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you get Hyperthyroidism
How do you get hyperthyroidism
thanks guys i had a feeling its not true about the iodine. But iv read alot of articles stateing to much iodine could cause hyper thyroidism.
Can you get hyperthyroidism at 16?
Yes, it is possible. If you are sweating, feel your heart racing, feel hot all the time, losing weight without trying, or shaking then these could be a sign that you have hyperthyroidism. A blood test at your doctor’s office can tell if you…
How do cats get Hyperthyroidism?
The main way cats develop hyperthyroidism is due to development of a benign tumor, known as an adenoma, in their thyroid gland. The tumor secretes excess thyroid hormone, creating the condition of hyperthyroidism.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Q: A month ago it was determined that I had slight hyperthyroidism (by a 0.5 deviation from normal values — not a very large one as described by my doctor) and an ultrasound scan has determined the presence of a ‘cold’ nodule. So my question is if this cold nodule is not producing extra hormones, then what is the cause of the hyperthyroidism… and what can be done about both, the hyperthyroidism and the cold nodule.thanks!
A: I don’t know about the cold nodule but my sister has hyperthyroidism and the doctor has told her to take some pills in order to reduce it.But it depends on the size..I think your doctor will tell you what you should do..good luck!!
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Q: I dont have Medical insurance at this time, so going to the Doctor isnt an option.I could buy Thyroid medication online, but I dont know if I have Hypo or Hyperthyroidism.So my question is: How do you tell the significance between the two?
A: THYROID AND PARATHYROID GLANDS:Under-working leads to rickets, convulsions, teeth problems, twisting of muscles, fatness and dullness.Overworking leads to over-growth, bulging of the eyes. Adam’s apple, stone[s] in kidneys etc.Mistaken diagnosis may lead to confused symptoms due to wrong medication.The best way is to go in for acupressure techniques to regulate the functioning of thyroid glands. Herbal remedies and tissue salt remedies have time tested formulae.With best compliments from
Hyperthyroidism- What can I do in my day to day activities to help lower my thyroid levels?
Q: I have been diagnosed with a mild case of hyperthyroidism. My thyroid levels are at 14, the average is usually between 10 and 12. I am hoping to find a way to lower this before my next appointment with my doctor, a month away as we are watching it. Are their any vitamins or foods that I can eat to help reduce these levels?
A: Eat a good balanced healthy diet, no sodas, coffee, tea and other products with caffeine etc, have a regular exercise schedule and study well. KEEP IN TOUCH WITH YOUR DOCTOR FOR CLOSE OBSERVATION. It seems you and your doctor are doing a good job
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