How do you get ear wax out of your ear

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Soften the ear wax with mineral, baby, or olive oil for several days. Fill a rubber syringe with warm water & flush the wax out. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you get ear wax out of your ear
How do we get ear wax in our ears?
This is naturally produced by the cells in the body as protection against foreign bodies/germs/bacteria etc.
How to Get Rid of Ear Wax
Ear wax is annoying, not only because it fills the ears and inhibits hearing, but because it can itch and irritate the inner ears. Trying to remove ear wax with cotton Read More
Why do we get ear wax?
Your body produces it naturally to keep bugs and other foreign things out of your ear =)

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How much is it to have a professional drain ear wax out your ears?
Q: I cleaned my ears with a q-tip 2 days ago and this morning when I woke up I was somewhat deaf in my left ear (not completely deaf-I can still hear but the sound is low) my right ear is fine. I tried an ear wax kit but it doesn’t seen to be working.
A: Your NHS GP will sort you out for free!
How do you get ear wax out of your ear without using a q-tip?
Q: i have a lot of wax & q-tips don’t work for me hey seem to make it worse. i don’t want to do ear candling either b/c I know that doesn’t really work.
A: One of the cheapest ways to loosen and remove earwax is to irrigate the ear canal with hydrogen peroxide. You can either dip a q-tip into the peroxide and swab your ear, or you can get someone to pour a little bit into your ear. You can also go to your local pharmacy and ask for a ceruminolytic. Debrox is an OTC ceruminolytic used to loosen and remove earwax build up. However, remember not to overdue the cleansing of the ears. Earwax is necessary for good ear health.
Theoretically speaking, can you make a Candle out of your own Ear Wax?
Q: I know thats not even plausible but lets see you kept your ear wax throughout your whole life, First, would you have enough for a very small candle, And second if you did, could you make a candle?
A: Wasn’t that in Shrek?
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