How do you get a cyst

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Medicine Treatment .We found some answers as below for this question “How do you get a cyst”,you can compare them.

Cysts can arise through infections, tumors, chronic inflammatory conditions, genetics, and embryo defects. ChaCha [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you get a cyst
How do you get a cyst?
A cyst is a closed sac- or bladder- like structure that is not a normal part of the tissue where it is found. Cysts can be common and can occur anywhere on the body of people of any age. Some possible reasons for a cyst to form are: Infecti…
How to get rid of Cyst?
You could scratch it out, but it will come back as long as part of the wall is left in. So you have better take it to the doctor and let him remove it. The operation is simple and is done under local anesthesia. Just one injection around th…
Is It Possible To Get Pregnant If You Have An Ovarian Cyst??
Yes you can, but it will not be as normal as it should be without ovarian cyst. Surgery is your last resort to stop your ovarian cyst, and if you would like a more subtle and natural approach that proven working with many cyst sufferer, the…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Q: i have a cyst on face near my check and its sooooo embarrassing! it looks like a pimple! i went to the doc to get it checked and she said i have to wait for a referal for a dermatologist. its been a week! my insurance is so slow! ugh! but what can i do now to make it shrink??? this is my first cyst! idk would they do surgery what???
A: Put some rubbing alcohol on a cotton ball and put it on the cyst several times a day. It will kill any bacteria and will reduce the size of the cyst a bit (dries it out to a certain extent).
How is it possible to have an ovarian cyst while on hormonal birth control?
Q: A 4 cm ovarian cyst exists while on either birth control pills, or nuvaring. The doctor says it is a follicular cyst, yet all my research shows that hormones prevent and shrink ovarian cysts. Pelvic pain/pressure has existed for several years, and many tests and procedures show nothing other than 1 cm fibroid & the cyst.
A: i was on the patch when i had my first cyst it was 5.5cm, the patch was hormonal, so i would say yes, after getting off the birth control it went down to 2.5cm.hope this helps, and good luck!
I have an ovarian cyst and tiny breast cysts. Is there anyway I can balance my hormones and get rid of them?
Q: I have a cyst in each of my ovary. My periods are regular and I dont have much pms. Also, I do not have thyroid problem. I want to know some natural home remedies to help balance my hormones. I think they whacked out because of stress.
A: Hello, it sounds like you may have PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrom). The symtoms that you are describing are symptoms of PCOS: Ovarian cysts & hormone imbalance. Some other symtoms (not sure if you have them) are: trouble losing weight, some hair loss, darker hair growth on face and / or arms, and sometimes irregular periods, also infertility or trouble conceiving. Doctors will usually prescibe a diabetic medication called Metformin for treating PCOS because in a lot of cases people w/ this develope Diabetes later on. The medication can assist in weight loss. Weight loss is the key to balancing your hormones and putting these symptoms at bay. You should talk to your doctor. Hope this might help.
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