How do you explain colors to a blind person

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A scene from the movie Mask (1985) shows Rocky describing colors as: red is like the feel of hot coal; blue is like the feel of it when it cools down; white is like the feel of cotton or billowy clouds. The key is to explain the colors using touch. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you explain colors to a blind person
If the person has been blind all of their life, explaining color to them would be impossible. How can anyone have a conception of what color even means, if they never had the experience of seeing anything except darkness? That’s right A …
It must be difficult,but try to explain it with explaining that they are warm colors,like red ,yellow and orange and then the cold colors like blue,green,you can bring examples like the red and yellow are like the sun -colors that make us f…
trying to explain color to a blind person is like teaching a deaf person what are musical notes certainly very difficult.since they cannot see they cannot differentiate on the basis of sight and color.the best we can do is tell them about d…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How would you explain colors to a blind person?
Q: If there was somebody who was blind from birth, how would you explain colors. Please be very creative, and don’t worry if you think your answer is stupid! I will pick the best answer based on the one that is the most creative and thought out.hello guys, have you heard of imagination?
A: I would describe colors using the other four senses that the blind person does have. For example, I may tell them that the color blue feels smooth like liquid, and then I would hand them a soft piece of satin material. This way, I combine two senses to give them a perfect description of the color.
How would you explain color to a blind person? How would you describe particular colors?
Q: what about the very concept of color?
A: If the person has been blind all their lives, you would have to base it on emotions, touch, smells, taste and = fresh mowed grassyellow = warmth of the sun/smell of a daffodilred = hot fire/cinnamon red hot candy/ angerblue = (that’s a hard one)colorless = water/air/white = snow/cold/
How Do You Explain Colors To A Blind Person?
Q: I personally think you cannot describe it without actually seeing it..But feel free to share your ideals on my question 😀
A: I would have so they associate the colors with things they can touch, taste, smell, hear… all the other senses they have. Example…Blue… iceWhite… cottonPink… sticky cotton candyRed… rose… soft petals… pricking thornsGreen… freshly cut grassYellow… the warmth of the hot sunA person just needs to use their imagination to come up with things to describe colors to those who cannot see them. What they can do is hear, smell, taste, and touch things in ways people who can see can never imagine.
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