How do you catch the flu

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “How do you catch the flu”,you can compare them.

You can catch the flu from someone who has it if you breathe in some of those tiny flu-infected drops. You can also catch the MORE [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you catch the flu
Catching the Flu The flu is caused by a virus that you must be exposed to in order to get the flu.
Although it is a good idea to wash your hands more frequently during flu season, people most often catch the flu when their mouth or nose comes into direct contact with respiratory moisture droplets from the coughs or sneezes of an infected…
The flu is easily passed from person to person by coughing and sneezing. A person can also get the flu by touching something with the flu virus on it and then touching their mouth or nose.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Entire family has been sick except my 4 week old. Can newborns catch flu? What can I do to prevent it?
Q: My husband and I got over the flu last week, and now my two toddlers have caught it despite both having flu shots. So far, my 4 week old seems healthy, but I was wondering if he can catch the flu that young? I heard a few years ago from a friend that babies under 6 weeks are immune to it. Is that true? If it’s not, what can I do to prevent him from catching it? He is breastfed, so shouldn’t he have gotten the antibodies or whatever my body built against it when I had it?
A: Yes, your newborn can catch the flu, but since you are breastfeeding, his immune system is so much stronger and healthier that he may not. We were all sick at Christmas (me, my hubby and my mom) and my son only had the bug slightly for a day or two.. then his went away. He was 3 months at the time. Just make sure to watch his temp. and keep his sinuses clear… I took my son into the steamy bathroom to help with that. Best Wishes. 😉
Can you catch swine flu more than once?
Q: It’s flu and you can catch flu whenever the circumstances prevail, so if you catch swine flu now will you be immune when it takes off in the winter?So if we catch it, we will have some immunity in the event of another dose, but that surely means the virus will also have immunity to the treatment drugs if we pass it on to somebody else?
A: If the virus mutates between now and winter then it would be possible to catch swine flu again as it would be slightly different. If it doesn’t mutate then it depends if you have built up sufficient immunity from the first bout to be immune the second time round.
Is it possible to catch the flu from your cats?
Q: All of my cats have contracted the flu lately and have been sneezing all over the place. Though I’ve read humans can’t catch it from them, I’ve all of a sudden started sneezing myself. Is it possible that I’ve been infected by my cats? Or is it a completely different virus that affects them?
A: I had the same situation with a puppy I just adopted. He got sick and was prescribed amoxacillin. He had some sinus infection kinda thing and then I got sick. I called and spoke to the Vet and he said the strains that animals get are completely different than the ones a human gets. I asked more than one Vet and even my doctor and they all said no it was just coincidental.So nope!
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