How do you catch mono, and what are the symptoms

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “How do you catch mono, and what are the symptoms”,you can compare them.

Mono, or mononucleosis, is spread through direct contact with saliva. This includes sharing eating utensils or drinks. MORE? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you catch mono, and what are the symptoms
What are the different ways to catch/different symptoms of mononu…?
Mono is not spread as easily as some other viruses, such as the common cold. The mono virus is found in saliva and mucus. It is usually passed from one person to another through kissing, although it may rarely be passed in other ways, such …
How long after catching mono can you really feel the symptoms??
Although it may very a little bit between people, usually symptoms start to appear after 4 weeks since you were infected with the virus.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can you catch mono if you kiss someone that is already on medican for it? I have the symptoms for it?
Q: This weekend i kissed a guy that had gotten told he has mono last monday.. He told me after he was on medican but before he got told he had mono we had kissed and than a week into his medican we kissed again.. Is it possible for me to have mono? My throat hurts and my body aches..
A: Either 1) he didn’t really have mono, or 2) he wasn’t telling you the truth about the medication.Mono is caused by a virus, there is no medication given for it.
Can I catch mono from being in the same room with someone who is showing symptoms and has been diagnosed?
Q: or is it just from coming in contact with them or their saliva…?
A: No, you won’t catch it from being in the same room with a mono patient. Mono patients don’t cough or sneeze, so the virus doesn’t get airborne.The usual ways of catching mono are from kissing, sharing drinks, or sharing food and eating utensils. It is spread via saliva.In my opinion, mono is a disease you don’t want to get. So, I advise that if you touch the patient, you wash your hands afterward. This may not really be necessary, but better safe than sorry. After all, if you get the virus on your hand and then your hand gets to your mouth or nose or eyes, you could be in trouble.After the first month the patient is no longer contagious even if still sick. It can take quite a while to recover from the ravages of mono, even though you are no longer infected with the virus.
How long after catching mono can you really feel the symptoms?
A: Although it may very a little bit between people, usually symptoms start to appear after 4 weeks since you were infected with the virus.
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