How do you be annorexic

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Anorexia is not something you can be one day then be normal the next. It stays with you for life.You cut back on food until More? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you be annorexic
If you want to be anorexic you have to start cutting down gradually. You can’t just take one big step and stop eating, you have to cut your food down. Skip snack foods and dinner, then gradually start missing lunch, then eventually beakfast…
To be anorexic you have to eat food and then make yourself throw up. This is not a smart idea and is horrible for your body so don’t try it. eating disorders are not cool or fun.
it so freaking hard! for me personally i almost never stop thinking about food, but i have developed ways to ride out the hunger pangs and cravings. ・ 1. make yourself a rewards system. maybe a list of clothing you would never wear until yo…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Q: i’m 5’7 and weigh 145. i’m really active but i need to lose a lot of weight. i’ve tried dieting and eating better, but i’m not losing the weight i need to. I was thinking about becomming annorexic. i’m just starting freshmen yr in high school and need to lose weight for sports
A: Becoming anorexic would be the worst choice you could ever make in regards to losing weight. There are many health problems that can arise from being anorexic, you can even die. You just need to eat right and exercise, It takes time to lose weight, it wont happen overnight. So have patience and don’t give up, but stay healthy.
How long does it take to get annorexic?
Q: Just wondering, if you go on a massive diet or whatever how long will it take to become annorexic? Are we talking months maybe?Thanks 🙂
A: the first time you decide to starve yourself to lose weight is when you can be identified as anorexic but people probably won’t notice for a few days to a week. you know people need psychiatric help to deal with this. maybe you should see a shrink.
If you eat less than a certain amount of calories, does that make you an annorexic?
Q: For example, if I ate less than 1000 calories per day, could you be considered an annorexic even if you were eating a balanced diet of those 1000 calories? Also would you lose weight or stay the same if you’ve been doing that for a few months?I am not planning to do this, I am just curious.Lisa.Rr x
A: It would be classed as an eating disorder, yes.Look at…
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