How do people get strokes

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “How do people get strokes”,you can compare them.

The blockage of an artery in the brain by a clot is the most common cause of a stroke. The part of the brain that is supplied MORE [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do people get strokes
By having a blood clot duh
Spruce was doing a pretty good job of answering you question, until he said that CVA was an old term for the new term Stroke. They are differant, CVA is temp reduction of blood to an area of the brain which blood supply is regained before t…
Brain blood flow can be interrupted in two ways:

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Q: I understand people with High cholesterol or high blood pressure have a much increased chance of having a stroke or heart attack, but how many people have strokes/heart attacks that have completely normal blood pressure levels and normal cholesterol levels? In percentages…
A: “Michael M” is a person with no medical/scientific training who posts inaccurate statements about cholesterol & heart disease.Cholesterol is ONE factor in heart disease, not the only one.When I did cardiology, we would sometimes see these patients come in with an MI. We’d often send a blood sample off for NMR (nuclear spectography) for particle size analysis.
How many people die from strokes each year?
Q: I am doing a research paper on strokes and I would like to know how many people die from strokes each year. Please leave your source as well.
A: Strokes are scary and it’s the number 2 cause of death worldwide, the first being heart disease. Strokes cause 10% of deaths world wide.I looked up yhe information online and found that there have been 167,366 deaths in 1999 and 163,538 people died in 2001.
Are certain people built for different swim strokes?
Q: I started competitively swimming last year. As it turns out I suck at freestyle, but am one of the best at breaststroke (technique-wise, not speed-wise yet :/ ). Are certain people built for different strokes? I’ve been swimming after the season with a swim club, and my freestyle is still incredibly slow, even though my technique is great.
A: Sometimes it depends on height or build.But mostly, I think it really depends on the swimmer. I’m a breast stroker but my second best is freestyle. I suggest that you continue your good technique then try to do it a little bit faster.
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