How do people get freckles

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Biology Health .We found some answers as below for this question “How do people get freckles”,you can compare them.

People get freckles because they have less Melanin in his or her skin. ChaCha!! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do people get freckles
・ 1 Find a warm, sunny spot to farm freckles in. This could be a park bench, the beach, or even a lawn… ・ 2 Slather sunscreen over every exposed part of your body that you’re not trying to get freckles on. Put… ・ 3 Recognize that there’…
I have to agree with you that Girls with freckles are HOT! The more freckles a girl has the HOTTER she looks! Freckles are the first asset I look for on a girl before asking her out on a date. A girl without freckles is like a night without…
Your skin is made up of many layers. One of the inside layers produces a dark-colored pigment called melanin. Melanin helps protect your skin from the sun’s damaging rays. Melanin also gives your skin its color. On many people, small areas …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How can I get tan without getting more freckles?
Q: I really want to get tan but everytime I lay out in the sun I get more freckles! I’m Irish so my skin is easy to freckle. What can I do that willcmake me tan but give me less freckles?
A: I don’t know naturally, but if you want to fake it, Rimmel has a good one. It’s not orange, it’s about five pounds, it says on the bottle it lasts for 24 hours but it doesn’t if you don’t wash it of, it lasts longer. It comes off really easily in a shower or bath, it’s easy to go on and it’s instant. The only downer is that if it rains it starts to come off and you can’t swim in it. Other than that it’s great. You can get it from boots in the make up ir fake tan it. Loreal also have one that’s similar but it’s a reddy colour x
How can i avoid or get rid or freckles ?
Q: I have loads of freckles on my face ect but i really want to get rid of them. But if i get rid of them im probly gonna get them back so is there any way i can get rid of them with out getting them back .?.?.
A: Lemon juice lightens them.And also where sunscreen because the sun darkens them.
How can I get rid of my freckles or lighten them?
A: wow i guess theres no answer.;_ylt=AuYQdtYnk7mwhi1VQ.Wz5Lrty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20091010190941AAaGGMs&show=7#profile-info-gD7MWKMtaaYou should focus on maing your eyes stick out, like nice eye shadow
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