How do people get chicken pocks

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “How do people get chicken pocks”,you can compare them.

People get chickenpox from other people that are infected by coming in contact with the blisters. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do people get chicken pocks
How do you get chicken pocks?
You walk into a chicken house wearing a mask, and carrying a gun and a bag, and say, “Put all your pocks into this bag and no one gets hurt!”.
How do you get chicken pox?
What causes chickenpox? Chickenpox is caused by a virus, the varicella-zoster virus. How does chickenpox spread? Chickenpox spreads from person to person by direct contact or through the air by coughing or sneezing. It is highly contagi…
What are Chicken Pox?
Chicken pox is a common and very contagious viral illness identified by an itchy rash that is usually accompanied by cold- or flu-like symptoms. Chicken pox usually affects children under the age…

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how do most people get lice than the chicken pocks??
Q: most people i know had lice more than chicken pocks.does lice spread faster or chicken pocks?
A: well i have had chicken pocks and never have had lice
What is the best cure for chicken pocks?
Q: My child just broke out in chicken pocks, fever, headache, crying, itching, and sleeplessness are the order of the day and night, I have tried Calamine lotion, and even Benadril cream it seems they don’t do very much for this problem, and the crying, is leaving me at a point of desparation, does any one know of any natural cures for this chicken pocks?
A: A good warm oatmeal bath works wonders. Try a little Benadryl for the itching, and some Children’s Advil for the pain and temperature. There is no cure for Chicken Pox, you just have to ride it out. However, if the blistered areas don’t heal as you think they should, take your child to his physician to have him checked. Sometimes these blisters can become infected after they burst which can cause pain and tenderness, as well as redness and heat, to the areas. In this case, he may prescribe an antibiotic ointment, if needed. Trust your mothering instincts….your mom probably went through this with you – now it’s your turn. (my mom is constantly telling me: now you’re paying for YOUR raising!) Have a great 4th of July!!!
How long should it take for my sister to get the chicken pocks?
Q: My sister (who is 8) was playing with a little girl (also 8) who was exposed to the the chicken pocks. My sister played with the girl on Monday and the girl broke out on Wednesday (the same week). And supposedly you are contagious 1-4 days before you break out. What are the odds that my sister will get them to? She hasn’t been vaccinated. Is there any way to tell when she may get them? Any help is much appreciated!
A: It takes 10 – 21 days from the time of exposure to start showing symptoms. But usually it is 13 – 17 days.Chickenpox isn’t that easy to get. My daughter was exposed 5 times before she got it.
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