How do people get cancer

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “How do people get cancer”,you can compare them.

The main reasons for cancer are genetics and certain environmental or behavioral triggers, such as smoking. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do people get cancer
The exact cause of cancer is unknown. Cancer happens when cells in your body start rapidly multiplying out of control. These cells, cancer cells cause trouble in the body. Cancer is named for the body part the cells were. So, if the cancer …
Homeostasis is a natural process in our body that regulates our internal environment to keep our body systems functioning well. The body preserves balancing conditions or set point ranges that…
No one really knows why cancer grows in certain people. Scientists and researchers are working to discover why some people get cancer and others do not. This will help them to learn whether cancer can be prevented. Doctors do have some idea…

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A: are you kidding me, people think you have cancer because you are bald? Bald is in these days so that would not be my first assumption…I would just say I’m fine and not expand on it.
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A: “Flika” is correct.There is no answer to this question.Impossible to predict.There is no threshold.Some people use snuff for many decades and never develop a malignancy.Some people develop an oral carcinoma relatively quickly at a young age.It is a personal risk you must decide about.It is also risky to ride in automobiles.
How can cancer develop in really healthy people taking good care of themselves?
Q: A heavy smoker can develop lung cancer because of harmful chemicals overtime to his lungs. But sometimes, lung cancer can develop in a nonsmoker’s lung. Or breast cancer can develop in a healthy woman’s body. Don’t get me wrong. I know that healthy people are much less likely to get cancer. However, sometimes cancer can develop in healthy people.
A: We all possess a gene for cancer. Even scientist don’t know why some get it nd others don’t. Cancer cells don’t care how young you are or how healthy you are. If it manifest itself, then it will. Its almost like they have a mind of their own. My sister-in-law never smoked, always ate well and at 33 developed breast cancer which later traveled to her lungs and killed her. it is no respecter of anyone. My own sister never smoked either. In fact she’s the only one who didn’t. She developed breast cancer and 15 yrs later got brain cancer. No one knows why, we can only hope that scientist can pin point the whys someday. Be blessed
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