How do I know if my bone is broken

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Symptoms of a broken bone include intense pain, a visibly out-of-place or misshapen limb or joint, swelling, and limited mobility. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do I know if my bone is broken
How do i know if my bone is broken?
I would say go to the ER or a doctor for sure. The best way to tell if you have a broken bone as opposed to some other sort of injury is if you hurt at a very specific point. Even if you do not have a broken bone you may have some other sor…
How do you know your bone is broken?
Ive broken alot of bone in my life and i no this from exsperince. you will feel alot of durning or throbing pains in it also it will sweal like big. seek a doctor if u exspaince any of these
What if I don’t know whether the bone is broken??
If you don’t know the extent of the injury, treat it as if it’s a broken bone until you see the doctor.

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A: Jog :)try sprinting 100m then jogging it and just keep repeatingThis improves maximum oxygen intakedont go all out at first but gradually make your way back to the top
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A: 1) it successfully heals on its own2) it fails to heal – resulting in chronic instability3) it heals ‘incorrectly’ – resulting in deformity.
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