How do I know if I have trichotillomania

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An increasing sense of tension immediately before pulling out the hair is a sign of trichotillomania. More! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do I know if I have trichotillomania
How Do I Know If I Have Trichotillomania?
Although the symptoms range greatly in severity, location on the body, and response to treatment, most people with TTM pull enough hair over a long enough period of time that they have bald spots on their heads (or missing eyelashes, eyebro…
How Do I Know If I Have Trichotillomania? Are there any proven pr…?
Although the symptoms range greatly in severity, location on the body, and response to treatment, most people with TTM pull enough hair over a long enough period of time that they have bald spots on their heads, which they go to great lengt…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Q: I have had trichotillomania (the irresistable urge to pull your hair out) for about 7 months. I was wondering, approximately how long it would take for my hair to grow back? I would say i my trichotillomania is very mild, and my hair is not horrible, and most of the original hairs I pulled out, are starting to grow back in, but very slowly. Thank You!!!
A: Hi! I’m also a fellow “trichster”. Have been for about 15-16 YEARS. Please, please, please get yours under control NOW. I know it’s been 7 months, but don’t let it turn into years like me. I’m practically completely bald. I’ve been wearing wigs for about 11 years now.I too was a member on (VERY helpful website), I highly suggest it. It’s out of the UK, but USA (where I am) doesn’t have any helpful sites as this one. They have ALL the info you need, including how fast your hair grows.No, there’s no cure, but many people have stopped after many years of pulling. I’ve tried many times, made it to like 31 days~than started all over again! UGH! It’s soooo hard. Find the strength to fight this!! U can do it! It’s not too late for you.Wishing you the best!
Can you have mild trichotillomania and is it possible for your hair to grow back to its original fullness?
Q: I think I have trichotillomania as I pull my hair out by running my fingers through my hair and pulling it, but I think my condition is mild. I usually do it without realising, but I do it consciously at times to see if hair will come out and I usually do it until hair does come out. I have realised that my hair overall is finer and my scalp is becoming more and more prominent. Is it possible for the condition to be mild, because even though I do it, I don’t go that crazy with it. My hairs are becoming thinner and thinner all the time. If you stop pulling your hair, is it possible for it to grow back to its original fullness, before you started pulling it out? Please, if you have ANY relevant information, respond. Thank you.
A: I had trichotillomania (mine dealt with my eyelashes), and the psych doctor I was seeing said it was a form of obsessive compulsive disorder. If you are currently being treated for any type of mental health disorder, if is very common for there to be a co-existing condition; in fact, I was told that no one can have just one mental health disorder. So, even though you don’t feel an urgency per se, it could still be OCD, and my advice would be to seek either your medical doctor’s opinion or that of a psychiatrist.
How can I cure my Trichotillomania and panic attacks?
Q: I suffer from Trichotillomania (an OCD) and it is getting worse. I also have anxiety nervosa and panic attacks. I have seen my doctor and I’ve been on Zoloft for 2 years now. I’ve also seen a Psychologists and tried various diets. I know my disorder relates to post traumatic stress. I exercise regularly which helps in some ways. Maybe I should try accupuncture or hyponotherapy. What is the most effective way besides trying to deal with my hurts and depression?
A: Therapy. Have you tried paxil, it is FDA approved now for PTSD. I think you need an anxiolytic for the anxiety. I am all for alternative therapies, whatever works.Trichotillomania is pretty rare, I have only seen a couple of cases (5) in 20 years
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