How do I get rid of my hiccups

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First, after you have hick-uped…Take a slow deep breath and hold it. Then you drink a small amount of water, and then you exhale slowly and repeat the process. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do I get rid of my hiccups
How do i get rid of my Hiccups?
Usually what always works for me is holding breath until you burst, and slowly breathing out, and doing it repeatedly. But you have to do it right.] Or you can drink water upside down. That confused me, but you have to take a sip, then turn…
How to Get Rid of Hiccups
・ 1 Start by having the hiccups. ・ 2 Get yourself a glass/cup of water (the bigger and fuller the better). If a glass/cup of water is not… ・ 3 Lean over forward and drink out of the side of the glass/cup farthest from you, continuing to l…
Why do you hiccup ? and how do you get rid of it lol?
We all have hiccups and some of us are just better at handling it than others. A hiccup is essentially a pressure problem that needs to be relieved. The diaphragm needs to be readjusted Step1 First, do some breathing exercises. Slowly breat…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How do you get rid of the hiccups?
Q: i’m desperate
A: hold your breath and swallow 3 times or drink water or do something to keep you busy sometimes if you don’t think about it it stops.
CAN Anybody tell me HOW CAN i GET RID HICCUPS?
Q: Can anyBODY PLEASE tell me how to get rid of BIN SUP hiccups in a quick an easy manner?
A: I was taught in nursing school that drinking water while holding your head upside down works best.
How do you get rid of hiccups in an infant?
Q: My 4 month old baby girl gets hiccups constantly. Is there any safe way to help her get rid of them?snoppylollysuchi – her Papi is Puerto Rican and constantly does that trick with the string. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to get rid of them any faster.
A: Hiccups are nothing to worry about. All of us gets them at times. There is nothing we can do to prevent them I can tell you what some people say works though. First let me tell you what causes them.The contraction of the diaphgram is what is the problem. This is the organ that helps us to breathe. It pulls down when we inhale and pulls up when we exhale. It gets irritated at times and pulls up with a jerky movement bringing out the sound we termed hiccups. This occurs when large a swallow is taken at one time or a big mouthful of fluid or food.Things that work:(i) putting a little sugar under the tongue(ii) drinknig some fluids or water(iii) frightened the individual suddenly
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