How do i get rid of hick ups

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A glass of water helps # Holding the breath for some time or sitting quietly also helps in getting rid of hiccups (more?) [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do i get rid of hick ups
・ 1 Be anywhere enjoying yourself, nice summer day the weather is great you take a swallow of your favorite… ・ 2 All man what am i going to do? I was having such a great time. I know this is no forever but right… ・ 3 OK you’ll need t…
Hold your breathe for ten seconds and then take a drink of whatever your drinking. Keep repeating until they are gone. If you have had the hiccups all day you may need to see a Dr. I had a friend that had to be on medication because she h…
Hold your breathe for ten seconds and then take a drink of whatever your drinking. Keep repeating until they are gone. If you have had the hiccups all day you may need to see a Dr. I had a friend that had to be on medication because she h…

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Is there a way to help my puppy get rid of hick-ups?
Q: My 4 month old american bulldog gets hick-ups probably every other day. I know how to get rid of human hick-ups, but is there any way to help her get rid of them too?
A: Young puppies get hiccups a lot just like young children get hiccups a lot. It will lessen as they get older and it’s normal. Nothing to worry about.You can try feeding several small meals, as overeating can be attributed to hiccups.
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Q: I mean you can’t do the obvious stuff like hold there breath give them a spoon full of sugar tell them to chug water and I definitely don’t want to scare her she’s only three weeks old so how can I get rid of my newborns hick ups?
A: Actually, if you can get her to drink a little bit of breast milk/formula it could help. I usually give my daughter some formula or water(she is 7 months old though) and usually after a few swallows she is better! Doesn’t always work, so we just wait them out.
i need help getting rid of hick ups?
Q: I need some help i get hick ups a lot so i need some way to get rid of them fast. So if you now plz plz tell me i really need help oh oh i got them right now thanks…
A: Hiccoughs is caused by unequal pressure in the stomach causing it to spasm. To stop this, hold your nose and swallow hard a few times without taking a breath in between. This will equalise the pressure.
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