How do I get rid of bed sores

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The patient should be turned around at least once every two hours to relieve the pressure on the afflicted area. ChaCha again. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do I get rid of bed sores
How to get rid of bed sores?
The best way to cure just about any sore especially bed sores , is first clean them very good after a bath in Epsom salt and as warm of water as possible. Then clean again and put some vaseline or desitan ointment and bandage well with a wh…
How to Prevent or Get Rid of Bed Sores
・ 1 Buy a jar of Unprocessed Natural (Raw) Honey at a feed store or a similar store. ** ・ 2 Find a red spot on skin, a bed sore (a open sore), or a rash on skin. Clean area with soap and water… ・ 3 Dip Q-Tip in Unspun Natural Honey and d…
How do you get rid of bed sores and prevent them on a disabled ch…?
Make sure you get plenty of movement with your niece. Do some leg/arm excersises for her, a few times a day. Since she doesn’t have much weight and its on the upper thigh the bed sore is probably caused by some constant pressure in the area…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

how to get rid of bed sores?
Q: my husband get bed sores. he sleep only one side. he has cp. . what can i do for him so he doesn,t have bed sore .
A: If he cannot turn himself, he needs to be turned every 2 hours. If he continues to only lay on one side, he will continue to get them and they will worsten. If they are to the point of bleeding, i really hope an MD or nurse is caring for them. Bed sores can rapidly get very bad.See a doctor!
How do you get rid of bed sores and prevent them on a disabled child?
Q: I have my niece who’s 13 with me because my sister and her husband were becoming very neglectful, she is very physically disabled, has serious Cerebral Palsy. She can’t walk or use her hands really and has to be diapered and tube fed and has to be taken care of constantly, she’s very small/thin for her age and she’s started to develop a bad diaper rash and the begining of a bed sore on her upper thigh. I just recently brought her to live with me. How do you get rid of these quick and prevent any others? I plan to keep her with me permanently if my sister and her husband can’t turn things around.
A: Make sure you get plenty of movement with your niece. Do some leg/arm excersises for her, a few times a day. Since she doesn’t have much weight and its on the upper thigh the bed sore is probably caused by some constant pressure in the area. God bless you for taking care of her, hope I helped!
Does anyone have a really good remedy for bed sores? Something to make it go away faster?
Q: My sister has one and doesn’t listen to the doctor or anyone else. If anyone could tell me if they have found anything that will get rid of a bed sore completely…..PLEASE let me know what it is, or what has to be done. Thanks!!kitchenchemist—-She is not bed ridden…she is physically disabled and can’t walk very good but she can walk. Her problem is most of the time she just sits in the SAME position for HOURS and doesn’t move AT ALL….does that help….Thank you all for your really good advice and your concern!
A: This is not that simple to answer. Ideally, I would like to see the pressure ulcer in order to stage it and decide on the best protocol for treatment. I deal with this daily and I’ve healed stage IV’s . I hope you will contact me about this..I’d like to help. [email protected]
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