How do I get rid of aids

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There is no cure to AIDS, though research is progressing to find one! ChaCha [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do I get rid of aids
How do you get rid of AIDS?
There is no cure, as everyone else has said, but there are excellent treatments available. A person who has AIDS will generally get that doctors call Highly Active AntiRetroviral Therapy or HAART which is a cocktail of drugs that suppress…
Why cant babys get rid of aids?
Babies cannot get rid of AIDs because if the mother has HIV or AIDs, when the baby is an embryo and onwards, it receives the nutrients from the mother through the umbilical cord. Since HIV is transferred through bodily fluids, the mother’s …
Can a baby get rid of aids?
Well once you are HIV positave you can’t get rid of it but you can take pills to expand your life.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Will we ever be able to get rid of AIDS?
Q: If we isolate all HIV+ people untill they die, and no new infections occur – since all HIV+ people are isolated -wouldn’t we free the world from AIDS?I know it’s harsh. It doesn’t really come from my heart. It’s just a theory. Wouldn’t it be possible to get rid of AIDS in like 100 years?Relax, I’m not infected with Aids myself, but I feel sorry for all those infected people.
A: its possible….cures for AIDS and cancer are being researched now…hopefully in my lifetime, any life-threatening illnesses will be cured with either medicine or a vaccination…
How do you get rid of AIDS?
Q: Because i know Magic Johnson got rid of his, sooo do you have to be wealthy to get rid of it? I have it, sooo do i have do get rich to get rid of my aids?
A: You can’t. Unfortunately, there isn’t a cure. Magic Johnson wasn’t cured of his, either. Sorry. Best of luck to you in the future.
In theory would this not get rid of AIDs in a infected person?
Q: When one has aids, could we not just pump them full of medicine to kill the virus with out damaging the kidneys.. If the disease attacks Your immune system, could we not mimic the cells that fight the virus & out number the virus before it kills the person?Yes, but if one can mimin the antibodies to kill the virus, could we not mimic them (Basically clone them) to mass produce them to kill the virus.
A: You can’t “Mass produce” antibodies that are specific to the AIDS virus… why? Because the AIDS virus mutation rate is SO high, that it changes it’s surface molecules quickly, making previous antibodies that recongnized it not work. Don’t you think scientists have tried what you are suggesting? Why do you think so many drugs have been created by still don’t work? Seriously…Think about this type of virus. AIDS mutates so quickly. So.. if you get a drug that can kill the virus, before the entire virus has been killed, it has already mutated into another strand in which the drug is NOT effective. Then, a new drug has to be manufactured for this new strand, and administered, but before it completely wipes out this new strand, another mutation creating a NEWER strand is formed, and both drugs produced are ineffective. And this happens SOO quickly, and there is no real pattern to the type of mutations that the virus will accumulate. So… there are now many drugs that work at “suppressing” the virus, but before long, a new strand becomes ubundant, and a new course of treatment is needed.So, as I’ve said previously, yes, if it were that simple, it could work. But because you fail to realize how AIDS work, it does not work. Much about AIDS has not been figured out, and there is not “simple” solution to this virus.
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