How do I fake being sick to my parents

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Only eat bits and pieces of dinner; when your parents ask what’s wrong, put your head down and tell them that your stomach hurts. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do I fake being sick to my parents
Why do parents think children always fake being sick.?
Because many do. I work in a daycare center, and my 3 and 4 year old group will be just fine until it’s time to do something they don’t want to… like clean up for nap time.. then I get, “but I’m sick…” …keep in mind that jus…
How Do I FAKE BEING MY OWN PARENT And Call In Sick For Myself For…?
I think you will get busted Talk to mom and have her do it if she thinks that you have a good reason

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how do i fake sick when my parents dont really pay attention?
Q: well i really dont want to, but i have a big speech @ school and im afraid to speak infront of a large group.ive been trying my hardest to fake sick and its kind of working but its hard since my mom is busy and she doesnt really pay attention to anything when she works. so can someone please tell me how i can succeed into staying home?? i know i shouldnt but im soo soo nervous that i cant even eat or sleep :/
A: eh ive had to do those kind of speeches before and let me tell you it was alot better than i thought it would be. its natural to have butterflies in your stommach about it but once its over it wont matter anymore now will it? it will be done with. trust me ive stayed home instead of doing something important at school and all its done is make me look bad. sure you might think once isnt gonna hurt but after a while youll regret it.
How do you fake being sick good enough to fool over-protective parents and an always suspicious sibling?
Q: I need to know for personal reasons
A: ill give you a few tips, but dont share it your friends : 1. Schedule your sickness. Timing is everything. The best day to miss a day of school usually tends to be Wednesday. This is because it is towards the middle of the week since it is not a particularly important day, and you can get everything done on Thursday or Friday so that your sick day doesn’t take a toll on your weekend. You’ll have the whole weekend to do whatever you want. If you fake sick a lot, don’t try it on a Monday, because your parents might get suspicious that it just happened to occur right when you need to go to school. Don’t fake sick after a holiday or a break, this just shows that you want an extra day off of school and your parents will definitely send you to school. * If there is an illness going around, do some research and find out all the symptoms. Later you can hint that you “hope it’s not that bug”. * If you have siblings that also go to school with you, make sure that they are not going to fake sick on the same day as you. It just becomes one big mess. 2. Begin the night before. If you are planning on staying home the next day, tell your mom or dad that you don’t feel well the night before. * If you’ve been ill before with a virus or bug repeat those symptoms; it will seem less like your faking. If you’ve been to see someone who had a cold or something replicate those symptoms so it seems as though you caught it from them. * Stomach problems. Only eat bits and pieces of dinner; when your parent(s) ask what’s wrong, tell them that your stomach hurts. Make sure you have snacks hidden in your room so you can miss a meal because you’re “not feeling well.” If you normally do your homework, get started on it, but put your head down periodically so that they see you’re not feeling well and it’s interfering with your work. * Sore throat. This only works if your parents are not the over-worrying kind. If you have over-protective parents that go running to the emergency room over a minor strep throat, do not attempt. The day before you plan to fake a sore throat, say that you’re feeling a bit scratchy in your throat, and clear your throat a lot. That night, at about 7:45pm/8:00pm, say that you feel tired, and that you have a headache. * Cold/flu. Breathe only through your mouth, as if your nose is stuffed. Wear many layers of clothing. This makes it look as though you are freezing, since sick people feel cold easily. Sneeze loudly, then sniffle in front of your parents. Do this also when they’re not in the same room but can overhear you from wherever they are. While they’re not looking, rub your forehead, face, and eyes (if you have parents who check your face for temperature) then approach them, saying you don’t feel so great. It’ll make your face red and warm. 3. Go to bed early. Don’t say anything. When you’re around them, just walk out of the room and go to your bed. Don’t brush your teeth–they’ll probably wake you up to remind you. At that point, they’ll probably wonder what’s wrong, and you can tell them that you’re not feeling well. Describe your “symptoms” and appear impatient, maybe even cranky, and eager to go to bed. 4. Prepare to have your temperature taken. If you do a good job, your parents will probably want to take your temperature, in which case you can read this article on how to get your temperature readings up when they check. 5. Wake up in the middle of the night. If you’re pretending to have stomach issues, wake them up at about 1:00 A.M. and tell them you just threw up (having left some fake vomit in the toilet). For flu or sore throat symptoms, cough or clear your throat loudly enough to alarm them, and rub your face vigorously right before they come in. 6. Stay up till late at night. This gives you bags underneath your eyes, and you will have a legitimate reason to have a day off. Be aware you might be asleep for the day though. 7. Reinforce your feigned illness in the morning. Be especially reluctant to get out of bed. If they still want to make you go to school, get up, but sluggishly. Slowly dress, but not too slowly. Skip a button on your shirt, don’t comb your hair properly, and don’t tie your shoe laces properly (or even at all). Pick at your breakfast as if you have no appetite. If you’re pretending to have a cough, go to the bathroom upon rising and rub your eyes with water a bit, just to give yourself slightly “sick eyes.” If you didn’t start faking symptoms the night before, it’ll be much more difficult to convince your parents that you’re sick. Here are some other last-minute strategies you can try: * Wake up before your parents and quietly make fake vomit. Put it in the toilet and pretend to throw up. If this doesn’t wake them up, go get them and tell them what just “happened”. * Say you have diarrhea. Be sure to spend some time in the bathroom, flush the toilet, and spr
What are the best way to fake sick to your parents instead of going to school ?
A: i would induce vomiting. you look like shit after you throw up, plus there is the added proof of the vomit. You just groan about stomach pain and refuse to get out of bed.
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