How do I care for a infected bellybutton

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “How do I care for a infected bellybutton”,you can compare them.

First, try a hot compress,then try soaking in salt water,over the counter antibiotic creams,hydrogen peroxide,if all fail, see Dr. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do I care for a infected bellybutton
How should I care for my infected bellybutton ring?
I would clean with peroxide and apply neosporin and I’d show it to a pharmisist and see what they say. You may need to take it out, you might be allergic to the metal the ring is made out of.
How do you care for a infected navel piercing?
The first thing you should do is go to your doctor or local physician, so they can determine exactly what you have. Don’t ever make up your own “healing methods”, just go see someone reliable who can truly determine what the infec…
How to care for an infected belly button piercing?
It being red and tender is not uncommon of a new piercing. What color was the puss? If it was clear or white it is not and infection it is your body trying to heal your piercing. It the puss was a green or yellowish color than yes you ha…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How should I care for my infected bellybutton ring?
Q: I got my belly button pierced about 2 1/2 months ago and it was healing fine until last week when pus started oozing from it and now its discolored around the holes and hurts a lot to touch it. I want to know how to get the infection to heal fast? and how long do infections like this normally last?
A: I would clean with peroxide and apply neosporin and I’d show it to a pharmisist and see what they say. You may need to take it out, you might be allergic to the metal the ring is made out of.
When first getting your bellybutton pierced what is the best ways to take care of it so it doesnt get infected
A: keep it clean!!! Do not play with it… wear lose fitting clothing so it does not get irritated… soak it with a warm clean sea salt compress… take ibprophren for swelling….
How do I properly take care of a bellybutton piercing?
Q: I’m getting one tommorrow, and I don’t want to have it get infected…so how do I properly take care of it?
A: Do sea salt soaks twice a day, and leave it alone apart from that. Sea salt soaks is a mixture of 1/4 teaspoon non iodized sea salt mixed in a cup of warm water, soaking it for 5-10 minutes twice a day. After you do a soak you can then rinse it with warm water.Don’t touch it – if you HAVE to be sure your hands are clean.Don’t use neosporin, bactine, peroxide, rubbing alcohol, or ear piercing antiseptics – they will all do more harm than good to your piercing and could cause an infection.Don’t change the jewelry until it heals. Navel piercings can take 6-12 months to heal. If you change the jewelry before it heals you could get an infection, an angry piercing, and it could cause it to start rejecting.Don’t go swimming (in a pool, anything with chlorine, ocean or lake) until it’s healed as that could cause an infection. If you HAVE to go swimming put waterproof bandages over it and clean it when you’re done.
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