How did I get a wart on my knuckle

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Warts are caused by a virus and can be spread from person to person. You must have caught the virus from someone. ChaCha for now! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How did I get a wart on my knuckle
How can I get rid of a wart on my knuckle?
if you really want to get rid of warts forever then you should know that you can remove warts by surgery, freezing, laser, acid or with cream but warts can reappear again and again because warts appears when your immune system is weak! so y…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How can I get rid of a wart on my knuckle?
Q: I’ve tried that Dr scholls stuff before, but it didn’t really work. Maybe I didn’t do it right?Are you supposed to press it really hard on the wart?And if you’ve ever done anything else that works really well, let me know, ’cause I want to get rid of it before I go to school.
A: if you really want to get rid of warts forever then you should know that you can remove warts by surgery, freezing, laser, acid or with cream but warts can reappear again and again because warts appears when your immune system is weak! so you must build up your immune system because your body can get rid of warts by itself if your immune system will be strong! so eat more healthy food, more vitamins and more sport activities!(No smoking, no beer/ale, no booze, no drugs, no junk food, no fast food garbage, no sugary sweet soda’s. Get on a good, balanced, healthy diet including plenty of boiled or steamed vegetables. Drink P L E N T Y O F W A T E R , fruit juices & fat free milk. Snack on lots of RAW fruit & veggies. Get up one hour early every morning & take a BRISK 30 minute walk – then – do the same thing again in the evening after dinner. Make sure you eat a good, balanced breakfast daily. You get your energy for the day from your breakfast meal. Get 8 hours sleep each night. Flip your mattress over so it will level out to give you a good night’s rest. Slack off too much coffee & tea.)HPV is the virus that causes warts. And HPV virus has many strains. In your case you have HPV virus strain number 2. People can be infected with HPV and never show any symptoms. Others will develop warts. These warts can stay the same size, grow, or go away on their own. It depends on the infected person’s immune system. A healthy immune system means your body may be able to suppress the virus and not show symptoms. also you should use some herbal treatment!in that case Wartrol is really good (probably the best) product that gets rid of warts comparatively fast and makes you feel more confident knowing that they wont reappear again! it says that it is designed for Genital Warts but it does not matter because warts are warts and wartrol works by stimulating your immune system to fight the HPV virus that causes the warts. of course it is better if you use full course (5 months – if I remember correctly).It worked and still works for me!I do not know if any pharmacies carry Wartrol but I do know that you should purchase it directly from the manufacturer and read more about the product here advantage of Wartrol over other natural treatments for warts is that, since it is taken orally, it can also act on invisible warts that can’t be treated by other creams and natural remedies.good luck!Working in health + personal experience
How do i get rid of this discusting wart on my knuckle?
Q: I tried freezing it 4 times and it failed every time. I also tried keeping a banana peel on it as well. Help!
A: You need to see a dermatologist. A wart is a type of virus in the skin. Over the counter treatments tend to treat a certain type of virus. It sounds like you need a prescription treatment.
Can a wart or pherhaps a mole be transparent? I have an eruption on my finger at the knuckle.?
Q: Have tried over the counter removal pads, but nothing happens. Can see two pinhead dark dots at the base. It don’t hurt but surrounding skin is inflamed from the wart removal pads. Any suggestions? Should I be concerned?
A: If you are really concerned, you may want to see a doctor, perferably a dermatologist. I had a stubborn wart on my hand before that didn’t go away even after two freezing treatments. It took quite a while to get rid of it.
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