How can you get rid of a black eye

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Style Beauty .We found some answers as below for this question “How can you get rid of a black eye”,you can compare them.

Put a cold pack on it, take pain reliever, 48 hours later use a warm compress, massage the tissue to help get rid of a black eye [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How can you get rid of a black eye
・ 1 As soon as you get hit in the eye and think that a black eye is about to form, get an ice pack or put… ・ 2 Drink lots of orange juice or other fluids that have lots of vitamin c in them. The Vitamin C will… ・ 3 Take care of the infl…
Like your typical bruise, getting rid of black eyes takes time and patience. At each and every holiday gathering where Natasha is present, my mother tells the story (usually by Natasha’s request) of how my father dropped me down a flight of…
There is no way you can get rid of a black eye, it is a bruise and will fade in its own time

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