How can you get lice

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Head lice are spread easily from person to person by direct contact. Keep ChaCha’ing! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How can you get lice
You get lice by coming in contact with a person who has lice. You can also get lice by using an infected person’s combs, brushes, hair ornaments, headphones, clothing, or bedding. So you should not share a friend’s personal items because yo…
Children commonly pass lice by simply sitting or standing next to another child. With so many children in one place, schools are the perfect home for lice. Lice can also be spread by sharing hats or other materials.
Lice is transmitted when you come into contact w/an object with the lice bugs, or the lice eggs, on it. The lice bugs could be on a hair brush, on a soft chair in an office, from using someone’s hat, It could be in bedding like a pillow or …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How does coconut oil kill or prevent lice?
Q: I have seen a lot of articles on the internet saying that shampoo with coconut in it prevents and kills lice, and that coconut oil does more than smother them. Anyone have any evidence of this?
A: m not sure about the killing lice part, but I am sure that when your scalp/hair is moist, it fights off the lice because lice’s “habitat” is supposed to be dry…
what head lice treatments are there containing lindane?
Q: that you can buy online.we have battled with head lice for years and none of the ‘organic non-toxic’ treatments have worked. we know that if you use it exactly as prescibed and are not young/have any history of seziures then its fine. the only problem is we don’t know where to find some.. help?
A: Have you tried running a search for “online lindane lice treatments”?
Q: This girl in my school has lice and stink worst than a dead person and trust me you do not what to know what a dead person smells like. Plus her lice is like bigger than an adult’s hand. What if I get it? What shoild I do? What happens if I get lice from my dog? How can my dog get lice? How xan I protect me from getting lice from my dog and the girl?
A: the girl if u two r in school..she is not allowed to be there! Maybe its just dandruff or dried up hair spray or gel??? Don’t judge ppl!!!! If u see her scartching her head A LOT…ALOT…A LOT then she definetly has lice!!!!!Ur dog should be kept away from woods and places where he can get fleas etc. He should wear a collar and be cleaned with speacial shampoos for dogs regualrly. U have to stay away from the girl and anything like furry things like, couches and blankets. Bcuz they can get on such objects. And if u do get lice u have to use medicated shampoo like Nix. They can get on any type of hair dirty or clean but they prefer humans above all! The girl i sprobably just poor or has bad hygirnne and it dosn’t mean she has lice!!!!! If u r not in high school then u should be getting checked for such things anyways.
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