How can you cure an eye infection

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “How can you cure an eye infection”,you can compare them.

Eye Infections require medical attention. The appropriate treatment depends on the cause of the problem. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How can you cure an eye infection
How to Cure an Eye Infection
・ 1 Find a friend who is lactating. Yes, I just wrote that and no, I’m NOT kidding. This extremely simple… ・ 2 Use the eye dropper and suck up the milk. It doesn’t matter if it’s cold or warm, warm is usually… ・ 3 Once your eyes have a …
Can You Use Your Own Urine To Cure Pink Eye Infection??
I have actually used urine for pink eye and it worked quite well.
Could vitamin D help cure eye infections and prevent blindness??
Infection of the cornea – the clear window of the eye – is a leading cause of blindness. Worldwide, around 16 million people have lost part, or all of their vision to corneal infections.(1) In the Western World, contact lens wearers are amo…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are some home treatments to cure an eye infection?
Q: Today i went to he park with my friend and she kicked some nasty water in a pond at me and some got in my left eye and now about three hours later my eye in blood shot, itchey and is swelling a little. I washed it out with water when i got home but is there anything else i can do cause i can afford to miss school tomarrow cause i have a huge economics test!
A: I have been working from my own house for the last month, I uncovered some superb instruction on the website in the box below, now I make a living using my pc with SMC, a company sponsored by Tom Boswell of Happy Days (Howard Cunningham)
How can I cure an eye infection?
Q: I’m 99% sure I don’t have pink eye, because my eye doesn’t itch and this has happend to me twice in the last 3 months. Sometimes when I take my contacts out and put them back in, my left eye gets irritated. It begins around the edge of my iris then spreads to my whole eye. Its all red and watery and its very sensative to light. Plus, oddly, it makes me nose runny. Anyone know how I can quickly fix this without going to the doctor?
A: sounds like allergies. Take some allergy meds over the counter and use some eyedrops for you eyes.
How can l cure an eye infection?
Q: well l think lts infected cause every morning l wake up in the corner of my eye is crusty and today l took my fingernail and l took the crust out of my eye and lt stings a bit. so what can l get to put in that eye thats bothering me?
A: The “crust stuff’ is probably the normal eye secretions that pretty much everyone wakes up with in the morning. However, if this is something new and your eye is irritated, you need to see an eye doctor immediately. Please do not play with your eyes. If you lose an eye, you lose all depth perception and your life will dramatically be changed forever.
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