How can i stop crying

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Relationships Dating Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “How can i stop crying”,you can compare them.

You should cheer up and listen to a good upbeat song (try Britney Spear’s new Womanizer). Go do some retail shopping and MORE [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How can i stop crying
・ Think about what made you cry in the first place. Was it your ex-boyfriend? Did you fall down the steps… ・ Once you have that thing in your head, think a little more deeply about it. For example, you may be depressed… ・ Focus on th…
Hey Anna, to me what seems to be going on is that because you are having issues and it’s bringing you down I mean really bringing you down that your subconsciousness mind is taking over your feelings even when you don’t think about it, your…
Most of the stuff that makes you cry is at the pointed end. When you prepare onions, cut off the blunt end and peel it without cutting the top. Now slice or chop it starting at the blunt end. OK eventually you’ve got to cut the pointed end …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How do you stop crying evertime you get frustrated?
Q: Every time i get frustrated, I start crying, its becoming embarrassing. Try having a critical review at work and start crying. Its like i can’t stop it. Any tips?
A: Don’t listen to that idiot about growing up and acting your age. It has nothing to do with immaturity. I can, but most of the time it’s just because people need practice dealing with those situations. I used to get overwhelmed by frustration. I wouldn’t cry, but I would just shut down and not respond to anything. I learned to just take a minute to myself and breathe deeply. I would stop and think about what is the worst possible outcome of this situation. Usually it wasn’t that bad. Just take a minute, breathe deeply and talk yourself out of that spot. I know, it sounds easier than it is. If you need to talk to someone about it, then by all means go ahead. I don’t know how old you are, but if you’re in school go to your councilor or there may be a psychologist available who can help you with some exercises. Or it may be prudent to go to your parents first. There are also books on this subject you can get from the library. I wish you the best.
How do I stop crying over every little thing that happens with my bf?
Q: I’ve been with him for 2 and a half years now. When I first met him I was care fee and I never cried over anything but since I’ve been with him every time we get into a fight I end up crying, if he says something little but hurtful I start crying. I’m seriously sick of it I have no control my emotions and when I cry it aggravates him even more plus I also say stupid things when we fight which I end up regretting. How can I stop?
A: I might be off base here but it seems to me he is in control of this relationship and letting you know it.I’m for trying to save something that is worth saving, but there are times when relationships need to be reviewed. Certainly you need to revise your stance. Relationships are supposed to be on equal standings. If he is making you cry over the least little thing – maybe a little time apart will help. Not to see other people, just to regain your balance.Just a thought. Do what you think is best. But get control of yourself.
How do I stop crying about every little thing?
Q: I am beond sensitive its scary! Sometimes when someone has glasses on and they trip over something I start crying like the other day! Everyday I cry minimum 3 times! Even when someone says something like “you have to straighten your hair” or when a teacher yells at me I just burst into tears! How do I stop being so sensitive? Please help this is really effecting my life!
A: blame your parents, maybe if they didn’t hand you every little thing growing up you wouldn’t be such a wuss.
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